Sentences with phrase «areas of government»

However, much remains to be done in health and the other areas of government activity.
The economic crisis of American newspapers means there is less and less reporting on what is going on around us, especially areas of government that need to be watched.
We would all hope that larger areas of government on the state and federal levels were as efficient, but as the size of a territorial jurisdiction increases, the efficiency of government decreases.
IT and biotechnology are the main thrust areas of the government.
But that's the prevailing attitude throughout much of the country and in most areas of government.
You can try two approaches to building a bridge from your military experience to a civil occupation in diverse areas of government.
I have had extensive hands - on project - management experience in key areas of government contracting including radio data transfer, wireless digital collection systems, data collection and local area networks.
Nor is it clear what bearing these changes have on other areas of government.
Failure to guarantee justice for road deaths and injuries makes a mockery of other areas of government policy to get people out of their cars and walking or cycling.
But at a time when the chancellor proposed keeping a lid on many areas of government spending, «science does better than just about anywhere,» notes Robert May, president of the Royal Society.
«Elucd had already built the platform we were seeking to apply to different areas of government work,» said Patrick Gallahue, a spokesman for the Mayor's Office of Criminal Justice.
Students learn about the macroeconomic objectives, examine sources of government revenue and areas of government expenditure with activities to complete throughout.
There may be a time and a place for «crusaders» like Michael Wilshaw in many areas of government, but at this time education needs an Amanda Spielman.
One should also point out that this marginalization does not only occur in firms, but also in areas of government.
Low cost housing is the focus area of the government and the best way to play this is through housing finance companies (HFC).
Between wineries, breweries and casinos a whole new area of government funded jobs will be opening
After devoting a solid 15 pages of his letter on how the U.S. should slash regulations, Dimon made a point to single out a single area of government oversight that has undeniable value: «Some regulations quite clearly create a common good (e.g., clean air and water),» Dimon noted, in a sentence that went on to catalog the ways regulation is otherwise bad for the economy — making it all the more striking that he chose to highlight environmental issues.
Serlin Haley is a national public law firm that effects change by representing businesses before the Executive, Legislative, Regulatory, and Municipal areas of government.
That is to say that Lord Heseltine was given a wide remit to examine many different areas of government as he saw fit.
Mr Osborne was keen to highlight areas of government policy promoted by the Liberal Democrats in Liverpool last week.
Meanwhile, Cuomo insisted the anti-corruption panel of his creation can investigate other areas of the government beyond the Legislature.
We should ask ourselves what the noticeable Lib Dem impact has been on broad areas of Government policy not covered in the Coalition Agreement, and in too many areas it is clear that we have been out - manoeuvred by our Tory partners in Government.
Legislator Brian Miller said, «It is a privilege to honor a man who devoted so much of his life to the service of the community I now represent, and who was a leader in the vital area of government consolidation.
Amidst all the talk of «going for growth», Lib Dem «hate taxes on the rich», and difficult decisions for Ministers having to reduce their budgets, there is one large, flabby area of government which has been insufficiently tackled, but which could be cut down to size easily, popularly, and with huge benefits for society: the equalities sector.
A state can decide to pursue or abolish numerous areas of government responsibility, such as support for prisons, highways, parks, and colleges, or welfare payments.
And yet, the government and society impose a smothering blanket of political correctness, school lunch nutrition standards, invasive security requirements, and a whole host of other issues that belong in the lawmaking and policymaking areas of government, not in the nations» schools.
To the extent that the costs incurred in providing an oral hearing is a consideration of relevance in determining the content of procedural fairness, those costs in the present area of government decision - making could well be considerable (para. 15).
identity — systems in use for financial services could transform much wider areas of government, health, and qualifications for approximately 2.4 billion people, especially in providing access to other property rights;
Cryptocurrencies and blockchain tech can be applied to areas of government such as recordkeeping, infrastructure, and cross-border relations.
This column describes four critical areas of government support on which many Puerto Rican children depend.
Broken Vows read like an extended newspaper article, and Bower has decided to flit backwards and forwards between his five main areas of government, which can lead to some confusion, not least because many of the issues and crises were occurring simultaneously.
In many other areas of government activity new technology is being embraced positively, for example in the Cabinet Office's «Digital by Default» programme and this needs to be carried through into parking management.
The amendment requires that the funds only be used for payment of medical malpractice claims, and bars state lawmakers from diverting any money in the fund to cover other areas of government spending.
Krueger has a bill in the works that would overturn the 90 - day policy and establish retention timelines for different areas of government.
While noting that, «governments have made solid and consistent efforts to address disadvantage and improvements have been achieved», they also noted that, «much remains to be done in health and the other areas of government activity».107
Invite government officials to meet your employees — a local district representative, or someone who works in an area of government related to what your company does.
For example, if President Donald Trump truly wishes to build a wall on the southern border, he'll need to acquire the capital from other areas of the government's budget.
This disobedience in a single area must not be generalized to all areas of government.
Though many governments think that there should be a separation between church and state, the call of the gospel affects all areas of life, including the areas of government and politics.
Yet even in this area of government we can not ignore Jesus.
«No area of government expenditure can be immune from the need to implement savings,» the Irish government said.

Phrases with «areas of government»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z