Sentences with phrase «areola becomes»

As pregnancy progresses, the areola becomes darker in color and it may grow is size.
The nipples and areola become darker and larger.
My areolae became red and torn up from all of the pumping.
People with Paget disease may notice the nipple and areola becoming scaly, red, or itchy.

Not exact matches

You may have noticed small bumps around your areola that became more prominent during your pregnancy and might be especially noticeable when you're cold.
Both the nipple and areola will become a darker brown during pregnancy.
Your areolas may become darker.
For example with your areolas — the pigmented area around your nipples — will become darker.
Nipples also become larger and generally darker, as will the areola, the pigmented area around the nipple.
You may also notice your areola darkening (perhaps to become more visible to your newborn's immature vision) and additional Montgomery glands (small bumps on the areola) forming.
In addition, the skin covering the breast can become so taut and the areolae so swollen that the baby can not latch.
Your nipples and areolas might become darker and tiny bumps, called Montgomery glands may appear on your nipples.
The nipples and breasts will be extremely tender with areola, the dark area around your nipple, becoming spotted, darker, and bigger.
After a few weeks you may notice that the coloured skin around your nipples (the areolae) becomes darker.
A woman's nipples may become sore or cracked if she allows her infant to latch on to the nipple, instead of the areola.
As you progress through the pregnancy, your areolas will also become larger.
As your pregnancy goes on, your breasts will get bigger, and your areola, the circular area surrounding your nipple, will become darker.
Swelling may occur in the areolae or the periphery of the breasts or both, and result in the breasts becoming very hard and tender, with the nipples becoming taut and flattened.
Due to hormone changes, the areola (the area around the nipple) and the nipple grow darker; often increasing in size and becoming more raised.
The dark area around your nipple is called the areola and you'll notice it becomes darker, bigger, spotted (maybe) and will look like it has goose bumps.
Prolonged use of ice can cause the nipple and areola to become numb, so use this technique just long enough for the nipple to protrude.
Here, he'll start by tracing the areolae with a featherlike touch until the nipples become erect.
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