Sentences with phrase «argue over the difference»

Mostly laid back, but watching people argue over differences in religion or political ideology really gets my gizzard!
While Ayers, Laura, and Ayers try to frame their ideas as facts standing in opposition to pervasive and detrimental fictions, in reality, they're arguing over differences in values and opinions.
I mean, there are people that argue over the difference between Hard money and Private Money.

Not exact matches

Wheeler and consumer advocacy groups have argued that any difference in privacy regulation is fair on the grounds that ISPs are able to see everything a customer does over their internet connection, and that it's harder to switch internet providers than use different apps and websites.
May we set aside arguing over political and theological differences.
We aren't picking apart Christian leaders by arguing amongst ourselves over Christian differences.
In the pioneering early modern secular states, notably the Dutch Republic, Gregory argues, men and women decided to stop killing each other over what seemed hopelessly irresolvable religious differences, and went shopping instead.
Well over the last few years, McLaren has been a bit of a second - rate team itself, so you could argue that there's not much difference...
So which is it and is there really that much of a difference to argue over it?
I would argue that for most issues, there is not a lot of difference, and that the main difference is that over a wide range of issues, women are slightly more likely to respond «don't know» than men are.
It's easy to dismiss such a position as naive, or to argue that proponents are prioritising moral purity over gaining the political power that would allow them to actually make a difference to people's lives.
Angelo Falcon, co-founder of the National Institute for Latino Policy, argued that Ms. Mark - Viverito's close relationship with Mr. de Blasio would inhibit her ability to articulate an independent vision for the city, and that fatigue with the present regime would likely drag on her candidacy — despite her efforts to play up her differences with the mayor, most recently over the attempt to regulate Uber.
He argued that moving benefits around to ensure families» income is just over an artificial threshold will not make a real difference to their lives.
With well over 80,000 citations, Hofstede argues that 50 percent of managers» differences in their reactions to various situations are explained by cultural differences.
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And on it goes, every possible narrative high swiftly defused before it has a chance to develop: the lovers argue over power but resolve their differences; Melbourne briefly looks set to lose the election but then doesn't; a feeble assassination attempt comes to nothing.
Environmentalists argue that over its lifetime, an EV will make up that difference and come out cleaner than an ICE car.
In that respect, they're similar to those people at the supermarket who buy groceries for 100 dollars, but will endlessly argue at the check - out over a 10 cent price difference on a jar of yoghurt.
Critics will argue that none of these add - ons are as good as what consumers can find through other competitors; the difference is Amazon offers them for free, as part of Prime, and you can bet these add - ons will continue to improve over time.
When it comes to structural differences between mutual funds and ETFs, however, it's also becoming increasingly difficult to argue ETF demand is growing because of the relative advantages of ETFs over mutual funds.
I saw tourists get red in the face arguing with Vietnamese restaurant managers over the difference of a dollar.
It makes about as much difference as Boy Scouts arguing over a campfire about who farted, except Boy Scouts are more mature.
Chan and Liu (2004) argue that current models are not yet sufficiently good for addressing the question regarding global warming and typhoons (A typhoon is technically the same as a hurricane, the difference being that they form over the western Pacific or the Indean Ocean).
You say that this uncertainty is used «to argue that environmental policies based on concerns over global warming are not even worthy of support», but it seems to us that it is less the case that your objection is based on an argument made as much as the fact that they outlined a difference of opinion.
On gender: it's way OT, but on the face of it, believing that gender is not purely a matter of biological inheritance is clearly not the same as believing that «there is no difference between men and women,» since if the latter were what «Dems» believed, there would be in their minds no «thing» to be arguing over in the first place.
Here you can argue over pixels — but unless you're comparing this smartwatch to the far less sharp Pebble Time Round, the difference between smartwatch pixel densities is negligible.
«Staff splitting,» as mentioned earlier, is a much - discussed phenomenon in which professionals treating borderline patients begin arguing and fighting about a patient, the treatment plan, or the behavior of the other professionals with the patient... arguments among staff members and differences in points of view, traditionally associated with staff splitting, are seen as failures in synthesis and interpersonal process among the staff rather than as a patient's problem... Therapist disagreements over a patient are treated as potentially equally valid poles of a dialectic.
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