Sentences with phrase «arguing against my view»

In light of historical events, one might argue against her views on the Eichmann trial but most certainly not that the theme of banality reflected anything other than despair over the German Jewish community's failure to recognize the pervasiveness of the system and the corrosion of the legal groundwork of its Nazi - infected mass movements.
Anyway, I am not sure whether you are arguing against my view or for it....
Anyway, I hear what you are saying, but I think you are arguing against a view I don't hold.
Second, one may well argue against my view, that although the Hebraic development as consummated in Jesus won out over the decadent Hellenism of the first and second centuries, this tells us nothing of its relationship to the healthy Hellenism of the axial period.
Admittedly, this point is not beyond dispute: most notably, Adam Tomkins has argued against this view, contending that the Scottish Parliament lacks this power, but, for reasons I have set out on this blog, I think it unlikely he is correct on this point.
They will point to the long - term benefits for both pupils and society, and will argue against viewing SEL as merely a means of achieving better exam results.
Arguing against this view, AAP wants us to believe that «insiders had been bullish» on these works during the hiatus.
Up to now scientists have however had little choice but to engage in time - consuming op - ed exchanges, which result in one or two high - profile scientists arguing against the views of an individual who may have no commitment to scientific accuracy at all.
@Ken Fabian How do you argue against the view that 1.

Not exact matches

Your «default» beliefs and worldview are not always reasonable; it's healthy to «argue against yourself» and see how your views hold up.
Here is John Carney arguing that «There's nothing about Bitcoin that means you can't have fractional reserve banking,» which is entirely correct but bear in mind that he's arguing against libertarian bitcoin supporters who view the absence of fractional reserve banking as a desirable feature of bitcoin.
A second view I argued against was that the gospel could be limited to a set number of theological propositions.
Against these two views, I argued that the biblical gospel is pretty much everything related to the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, including the prophecies about Him, and the ongoing empowerment for life with God that we receive as believers.
So this would seem to argue against the «pre-Tribulation» view of the rapture.
This is in part due to the influence of 20th - century theologians such as Paul Tillich, Rudolf Bultmann and Jürgen Moltmann who have argued persuasively against viewing eschatology in personal terms.
Fourthly, if we subscribe to the notion that there is no separation regarding work (viewed as worship — Col 3:17, 23 - 24; Rom 12:1) in the church and the marketplace, why shouldn't Christians (who argue against receiving God's provision in the form of a salary) just «trust God», and reject their employers» salary structure?
What Nye is arguing against is the literal, the - world - was - created - in -6-days-and-is-only-6000-years old, view, not the well - something - had - to - precede - the - big - bang - several - billion - years - ago, view.
I am not arguing against Sherburne in favor of the view that God is needed as the ground of the givenness of the past and can fulfill this function.
In several recent works, William Lane Craig argues that there is nothing to commend Hartshorne's view, that there are positive arguments against it, and that absurd consequences follow from it (PT 103; PS 16:201;...
In arguing against the possibility of attaining to a neutral standpoint on matters of concern to religious persons, one begins with the axiom that all human activity — and so, by extension, all scholarly activity, all religious activity, and all interaction among serious religious persons — both implies and evinces a commitment to some particular metaphysic, some view as to the way things are and as to how human activity should proceed in that context.
Thanks to Romans sacking Jerusalem in 70 AD we lost much of what could argue for or against our view.
Against the view that «wage inflation» is to be avoided one can argue that precisely the increase of wages is urgently needed for a just society.
In arguing against the Formalist view, Russell once observed that postulating what could be deduced had all the advantages of theft over honest labor.
What we have in these chapters, in turn, is an almost gentle presentation of natural theology, a Christian theological proposal that is argued vigorously against alternative views, and a straightforward apologetic for a certain physics - based conception of God's action in the world.
The second chapter includes a substantial discussion of Christology that argues vigorously for the author's interpretation of what Christology, including the resurrection, has meant in the past and what it might mean today, with a fair share of polemics against alternative theological views.
The political school of thought that supports the view that secularization is the only way forward argues against the Hindutva proponents who aim to revive and recast the role of religion in contemporary India.
Habermas has argued specifically against trying to make such connections with concrete historical examples, suggesting that evolutionary theories are better viewed as normative guides toward the future than as testable theories.
In fact, for the very reasons you suggest, Chromosome 2's fusion argues against the literal view of a genetically perfect Adam / Eve who only suffered mutation after the fall, that is, an overnight fixation of this fusion throughout the entire human population.
Advocates of this view would argue that the local bishop needs a heightened autonomy over and against the norms of the universal Church.
In order to argue against the seventeenth century's view that compound bodies are not real substances, Leclerc is forced to go beyond Leibniz, however.
What is sufficient depends on what view of punishment is endorsed, and it is not my purpose here to argue for one view as against another.
K's posts give me the impression that he thinks Wenger is at fault for all the evils and Wenger should be blamed for everything, he has his blame and that I do not argue against, I do think he ignores what he wishes to ignore to support his point of view.
Just because someone's arguing against your personal views doesn't make them doing so on behalf of the beef industry.
While some argued that his constant accusations of corruption against the party gave the NPP enough fodder to campaign with, others are of the view that his outright abstinence from the party's campaign activities led to voter apathy among his staunch followers, especially in the Volta Region.
In an article for The Telegraph, commentator Ed West has argued, against the views of Spectator blogger Alex Massie, that UKIP's critique of phenomena like multiculturalism and political correctness is entirely compatible with a liberal or libertarian outlook.
Meredith argues against the» cyber-utopianist» view that social media engagement promotes democracy and political liberalization.
Justice Holmes argued against the majority opinion by adding two adjectives to his test: «imminent» and «forthwith» as a better indicator of violation and called the leaflets «poor and puny anonymities,» and that any charge should be «the most nominal punishment» based on their radical views (Lewis 29).
Green Party leader Caroline Lucas took the opposite view, and argued against any moves towards nuclear.
But Mandelson's views have been changed in part by the banking crisis; he has argued that the crisis represented a «warning against an ideological belief in markets» efficiency, and a reminder that they can be distorted by perverse incentives».
I was trying to argue against other ways to jazz up the format - eg, hearing audience views on responses, etc, and come to think of it, scrolling red button / text responses on screen, etc. * warelane... a great many parliamentary democracies have leadership debates: eg Germany, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Austria, Australia, Greece, New Zealand and no doubt many others.
You can argue against the strike and you can certainly argue against current public pension arrangements, but it's hard to object to what took place today in London: people cheerfully coming together to defend their interests and make their views plain to government.
Yet the report also argued against a rapid shift to non-fossil fuel energy sources, noting that «making significant changes in energy consumption... amid all the scientific uncertainties would be premature in view of the severe impact such moves could have on the world's economies and societies.»
I suppose the side view above could be arguing against the case for an 8, but in the 10 the waist was sitting away from my body and it wasn't even hugging my thighs.
In its comments, NSBA presents case law that argues against the expansive view of the law that the DCL puts forward, warning that it risks:
• Parents do not have the confidence to argue against the articulate and forceful activists who seek to impose their views, for fear of being branded as disloyal to their faith or their community.
Nietzsche actually argued against Nihilism - the view that nothing in life has value or meaning, and that existence is useless.
Although the empire has been commonly viewed as a Hindu bulwark against Islamic incursion from the north or as a religiously ecumenical state, Valerie Stoker argues that the Vijayanagara court was selective in its patronage of religious institutions.
Some view this «training tool» as an acceptable way to curb an unwanted action by your dog; others will argue it's a horrible act of violence against our canine companions, and was designed only for those who don't want to spend the time with alternate, less invasive means of training.
It's not a point I feel inclined to argue against because it's actually quite right, yet I hold that my own view is correct, too: the Assassin's are a force which may exist within these events and exert a degree of force, but their very nature also means they are never truly a part of these events except in certain circumstances.
He joined Pollock, Baziotes and Matta in early experiments with automatism and argued, as he later told it, against their negative views of European culture.
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