Sentences with phrase «arguing over details»

Arguing over the details of the normal Gaussian statistics in the face of these huge natural dispersive effects therefore pales in terms of our comprehension of what may actually happen.
Arguing over the details will not change that reality.
Think of the conversations that go on in stagey whispers under the vitrine: soup can and blouse comparing signatures; invitation and newsletter swapping memories; photographs and articles arguing over the details.
Plus it was a good way to communicate with my husband; it avoided confusion and kept us from arguing over details.
But now we're just arguing over details; the hard part is actually convincing the Hall of Fame to do something that's better than what they've got now.
Now, they are arguing over details like who has the most banks and what percentage of people are using it.

Not exact matches

where he argues in detail, and most convincingly, that in this saying Jesus is looking back over the completed Old Testament epoch of salvation and drawing the Baptist to his own side in presenting him «as the initiator of the new aeon» (Ibid., p. 43.
Spelling this out in more detail, Moltmann argues that the Father grieves over the death of his Son on the cross: «The Son suffers dying, the Father suffers the death of the Son.
We can argue and discuss all we want the theological details, but in the end, His over riding commandment to us is to Love one another as He does.
Confiding in us, she looks back on her life's many dramatic events while arguing over their crucial details — principally, «what happened on the hill and the days before and the days that followed» — with the scribes trying to capture and recount these for Christ's earliest followers.
We are arguing over 10 per cent,» he said, without giving details.
I was all over Urban Baby when my first child was a baby and I felt alone and isolated and unhappy and needed the adrenaline hit of arguing with strangers on the internet about arcane details of baby care and NYC playground politics.
Arguing over pedantic details in the face of a real problem strengthens Trump's hand.
He argued that the three sector agencies namely; the Foreign Ministry, Interior Ministry and National Security had supervisory role over the former detainees «so if you [government] want to have a full picture, you would have gone to these three agencies to find out, and if you didn't find anything on record, you would have [also] invited those who were occupying these offices for more details
As specialists argue over the fine details of species concepts, I'm struck by how often the word «fuzzy» comes up.
To summarize, he said, «We have gurus promoting all kinds of diets, arguing over small details (fats, meat, grains, etc.) in the grand scheme of things.
The press has been critical of the fact that she glosses over certain issues, arguing that she should be handling heavier topics, such as a disfiguring car accident, with a little more emotion and detail.
Perhaps the closest it gets to a laugh is a scene in which Craig and Jerry argue in detail over The Godfather trilogy.
I'd write that scene with the details you'd expect, I suppose, but I'd have the assassins argue over the Obamacare while pouring concrete.
The rest is just details, and it's a complete time suck to argue over who can do it better.
But what I will argue regarding trend following is that there is some measure of momentum that explains over 70 % of the results of a wide number of trend followers, much as Buffett could point to the «Superinvestors» and claim that they were all one tribe, though the details differed considerably, much as Covel has done with trend following.
So, I agree with Al Gore (and most, if not all, climate scientists) that the general debate about AGW is over (tho some keep arguing on and on to the contrary like zombies), even though the scientists are still doing climate science and ironing out «the details
The evolutionists will go on arguing vociferously about the details, but the main debate is over.
Aren't we just quibbling over detail in arguing «contra Mann et al. the MWP may in fact have been warmer than the late 20th century»?
One could argue that real SST measurements aren't quite so well - behaved, but it is possible to show (see Figure 11 of the HadSST2 paper, Rayner et al. 2006 for details) that the standard deviation of grid box averages falls roughly as one over the square root of the number of contributing observations and that the standard deviation for gridbox averages based on a single observation is a lot less than 10 degrees.
While Gerlach's paper is well argued and convincing, it is a minor detail over whether volcanoes emit more or less CO2 than humans.Discussion of Murry Salby's recent talk and upcoming paper suggests the contribution of anthropogenic CO2 is in itself insignificant in comparison to the flux of CO2 from natural sources.
This way you are not arguing over who has the better model or has the more detailed estimation; in this case, you are comparing data.
If the divorce escalates into a full on fight, as a result of increased animosity due to the initial «blame» element, legal fees could rise considerably as both parties are inclined to argue over all the details.
It follows that nuances and details that have been argued at length over time in common law jurisdictions and upon which there is a rich body of case law to draw on, are in many cases unaddressed in the EU jurisprudence.
If you know that your spouse will argue over everything, then your parenting plan should be very detailed.
Now, the two of you are arguing over every minor detail.
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