Sentences with phrase «arguing over every issue»

They want to stay in power and to keep the general populace so busy arguing over issues like guns, abortion, gay marriage, etc that we don't notice / care / understand they are squeezing billions and trillions of dollars out of the economy for their corporate overloads (and themselves), while we are all meant to greatful for a cost of living adjustment and hopefully being able to own a home.
«If a couple goes to a marriage counselor, who is not particularly skilled at conflict resolution, what happens if the couple argue over an issue raised in the counseling?»
Do not empower the backtalk by arguing over the issue that triggered it.
Advocates and opponents will continue to argue over the issue, as they should.
You have argued over these issues many times, you can recite each others point of view word for word.

Not exact matches

But other economists argue that if inflation is a monetary issue, and a helicopter drop of cash is fundamentally fiscal, then the worry over sparking inflation is misplaced.
Obviously not all Ayurvedic products are dangerous, and people all over the world have used them without issues, as proponents argue.
As I wrote earlier this month, the NDP subtly shifted their messaging over the past few months, focusing on launching new programs and projects that they argue will «make lives better for Albertans,» rather than trying to out - flank the conservatives on economic issues.
Revenue and tax reform was a big issue before and during the recent election, with Mr. Prentice and the opposition argued over how best to remove Alberta from the oil revenue roller coaster.
Foreign exchange markets have been quite volatile over recent months, particularly around the September G7 meeting in Dubai when finance ministers issued a statement arguing that more flexibility in exchange rates was desirable.
It saddens me to see any argueing going on over this and any other issues at this particular place.
So we argue and condemn people over the issue of infant baptism vs. adult baptism, baptism by sprinkling vs. baptism by immersion, and whether a person should be baptized in the name of Jesus vs. in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Most argue about these five issues over and over again because these are all stressors that speak to our sense of love and fairness.
It might be argued that Swift's public - facing shift toward strict corporate musicianship is a maturation, but for what seems like every other celebrity in 2017, maturation came with a degree of outspokenness and ownership over certain issues.
On a side note, I love to laugh out loud at this issue when Xtians argue over how many angels dance on the head of a pin.
It is not my purpose to argue for the correctness of one or the other view of education, only to note that these are issues over which reasonable people may differ, and to question whether the State has a right to impose the first approach in the face of opposition from parents.
From its initial announcement, the Peters Projection has been surrounded by controversy: in over 40 articles on the subject, cartographers have vigorously denounced a number of Peters's claims for the map, while he and his supporters have argued that his is the only world map that meets the concerns of people interested in social issues.
Conservative ethnic leaders often argued that separateness from dominant American culture was essential to internally uniting their group; but every ethnic group was sharply divided over this very issue.
I argue with Tom Reese, over this exact issue often at Epiphenom (a blog which reviews science research about religion — to is an atheist).
While Christoph Cardinal Schönborn and Professor Stephen Barr were arguing over questions of evolution and teleology in the last few issues of First Things, down in Pennsylvania Judge John E. Jones III was deciding Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District.
And this is what we Atheists are trying to explain to those who keep expressing this sentiment — you're arguing semantics over the time, but you still believe the «end» will happen as the bible says, so you are essentially issuing the same warning just with less confidence of when it will happen.
Sharply contrasting views over the scope of the 2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans have emerged in comments submitted to USDA and HHS this week, with some stakeholders arguing that issues such as sustainability (eg.
You could point the finger at various issues and incidents for Arsenal over the last eight months and argue that this was the the main factor in our failure to take advantage of the struggles of the likes of Chelsea and Man City and cruise to the Premier League title.
While there's no arguing over whether or not it would be a sensible move for United to not only lift everyone's spirits but to also give them a better chance of reaching their objectives this season, there is an issue with the fee that is quoted in the report.
When parents are able to argue over some child - rearing issue, reach an agreement, and stick to the compromise, children show much less anxiety, insecurity, and distress.
It is sad that I have to say this but, just so you know, I have no issue with people who switch to formula or don't even breastfeed at all — I am fed up of people arguing over how we feed our babiesand although I'm pro breastfeeding that does not make me anti bottle feeding.
I even argue with my husband over this, he is one of those guys with issue thinking women need to cover up or have a «room» to feed the babies in.
Unfortunately, what couples tend to do is blame the other person and argue over trivial issues — such as household chores.
I would argue that for most issues, there is not a lot of difference, and that the main difference is that over a wide range of issues, women are slightly more likely to respond «don't know» than men are.
National Union of Teachers head of education, John Bangs, argues that the argument over competitiveness is anon - issue.
Other papers have involved entire sections in online group diaries: At the Dallas Morning News, the editorial board's blog gives readers a behind - the - curtains look at how board members wrangle over issues, argue with one another and reach critical decisions.
It became an issue over which Conservative MPs argued during the debate in the chamber yesterday.
More and more over the last few months, Cuomo has used the word inarguable to argue for his side on debatable issues.
General the Lord David Ramsbotham, a former chief inspector of prisons whose campaigns have forced the government to make numerous changes to legislation, said he had argued with Nick Clegg over the issue.
A veto doesn't produce reform and we will be back here in ten years arguing over the same issue as we have been for past 45 years.
And it's hit a new low over the battle on 421a, with Cuomo taking a pro-union stance and de Blasio arguing that the need for housing trumped the issue of a prevailing wage for workers.
Norman Lamb argues for civilised dialogue over social issues despite «hysterical» reaction of some Labour members to coalition
He has argued face veils for Muslim women should be banned in Britain over «security issues» since his election as Ukip leader last year.
But poor nations argue that more pressing issues need to be ironed out, for example the overarching dispute between rich and poor countries over how to share efforts to cut emissions, before more market - based mechanisms are developed or the groundwork for a global trading scheme is laid.
The press has been critical of the fact that she glosses over certain issues, arguing that she should be handling heavier topics, such as a disfiguring car accident, with a little more emotion and detail.
After getting over his initial shock, Feargal pressed the issue and argued that she was rejecting a perfectly nice guy for no good reason.
But in between that, they argue over roomie issues, such as whose turn it is to wash the mounting dishes and clean up the home's messes.
It could be argued that there is one or two pacing issues, especially in the second act were Zach and Beth seem to go over the same routine again and again.
«While people might legitimately take issue with one or another aspect of the standards, it is hard to argue that these standards don't represent a significant improvement over most current state standards, and even harder to argue that we won't be better off in having one set of standards... rather than 50 sets.»
Getting better - qualified teachers into California's classrooms will require improved teacher education, higher salaries for public school teachers and administrators, and elimination of emergency permits over the next five years, a state panel argues in a report issued last week.
Considering that young men make up three out of every five children who drop out, account for two out of every three students aged 5 to 21 relegated to special ed ghettos, and, among young men who are high school seniors, read a grade level behind their female peers, it would make sense to make sure that any new accountability system address those issues, something for which Richard Whitmire and I have argued over the past two years.
Writing a persuasive essay is something like a lawyer that is making the arguing of the case before the hurry and ten the very writer will make the stand on the issue that will either for or against and will build the possible argument to have the victory over the reader.
The main point of an argumentative essay is to argue about a specific issue or subject mentioning the advantages and disadvantages, supporting one argue over another and prove the point by using evidence that you feel better and logical.
This is nothing unusual in the world of digital content, but it's becoming more of an issue - with customers losing out when providers and retailers argue over rights and payments, or when one or other part of the supply chain folds.
The debate over the shock collar will most likely go one for years to come, with people arguing on both sides of the issue.
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