Sentences with phrase «argument against charter»

So, overall, I don't think there is a theoretical argument against charter schools as a whole, but there is one about the conception of them in the charter school movement.
The argument against charter schools is that they aren't better.
It's an interesting story and Winerip tells it well — too well to make his argument against charters stick.
And let's remember that — as with Windows ’95 and The Rachel and anti-choice arguments against charter schools — some things just belong in the past.
There are a number of arguments against the charter school, but the arguments for it all seem to boil down to I'll have a choice to send my kids to a place where they don't have to mix with those kids.

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The Saskatchewan Catholic School Boards Association states: «Their argument is that per student grants paid to a Catholic school division for non-Catholic students is discriminatory against public schools under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
I found the argument made by Charter 88 persuasive that the Monarchy helped to legitimise the broader constitutional arrangements, and remove them from public and political scrutiny, with something of a taboo against debating either the Monarchy or the constitution.
One key argument has been raised against the movement for school choice: that schools of choice, whether created through charter alternatives or through voucher programs, will undermine the common culture.
Charter Schools Not To Blame For JPS» Declining Enrollment July 18, 2016 by Brett Kittredge One of the primary arguments made by proponents of the lawsuit against charter schools in Mississippi is that as students leave Jackson Public Schools they are draining the finances of the school diCharter Schools Not To Blame For JPS» Declining Enrollment July 18, 2016 by Brett Kittredge One of the primary arguments made by proponents of the lawsuit against charter schools in Mississippi is that as students leave Jackson Public Schools they are draining the finances of the school dicharter schools in Mississippi is that as students leave Jackson Public Schools they are draining the finances of the school district.
One of the primary arguments made by proponents of the lawsuit against charter schools in Mississippi is that as students leave Jackson Public Schools they are draining the finances of the school district.
The argument for and against vouchers is very similar to that of charters.
With an assist from some local school boards and 275 district superintendents, the union's main arguments against the proposition are their usual ones — charters drain money from traditional public schools, charters cherry - pick their students, yada, yada, yada.
Using scholarship, reasoning and facts, Berliner and Glass frame compelling, scholarly arguments against vouchers, charter schools, high - stakes testing, and school choice.
Charter school policy discussions often devolve into political battles that pit advocates armed with competing research studies against one another in arguments over academic impact.
You make a provocative argument that what could ultimately cause the charter bubble to burst in these communities is lawsuits, including those filed by parents against charter schools on civil rights grounds.
Yes on 2, despite outspending the «no» camp 2 - 1 couldn't find a message that worked, and was never able to counter the single argument that most resonated with voters against charter schools: they take money away from public schools and the kids who attend them.
The Court of Appeal rejected the Appellant's submission that the Court's interpretation of the Charter in Legroulx was not sine qua non the question and that Charter values can still lend support for the argument against civil jury fees.
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