Sentences with phrase «argument against religion»

Please don't site this crap as an argument against any religion.
Despite their very obvious christian undertones, I though that the last book contained an argument against religion (more - so organized religion, which is a bit different), where the donkey and the monkey pretend to respectively be and be acting for Aslan (the Jesus symbol) and their actions result in widespread chaos, and the eventual collapse of Narnia.
lol, yes clay i am an atheist... i created the sun whorshipping thing to have argument against religion from a religious stand point... however, the sun makes more sense then something you can't see or feel — the sun also gives free energy... your god once did that for the jews, my gives it to the human race as well as everything else on the planet, fuk even the planet is nothing without the sun... but back to your point — yes it is very hypocritical of me, AND thats the point, every religious person i have ever met has and on a constant basis broken the tenets of there faith without regard for there souls — it seems to only be the person's conscience that dictates what is right and wrong... the belief in a god figure is just because its tradition to and plus every else believes so its always to be part of the group instead of an outsider — that is sadly human nature to be part of the group.
Consistency... There is the argument against religion.
Somebody makes an argument against your religion and that's equivalent to «beating up church camp kids»?
But unless you have an alternative that meets the same criteria as your passionate argument against religion I can not understand the logic in believing in nothing.
Atheism isn't a religion, but an argument against religion; thus, it is not a separation of church and state issue.
Perhaps one of the most convincing arguments against religion is how nasty, hateful, vindictive and arrogant believers are when it comes to dealing with anyone who doesn't follow their cult, and how defensive and dismissive they become when you start asking probing, difficult to answer questions.
His book, Breaking the Spell, is one of my favorites — he made a lot of arguments against religion I hadn't considered before.
This is among the most powerful and convincing arguments against religion that I have come across, and it is written in a way that is never patronising or trivialising.»

Not exact matches

It is well - reasoned and provides excellent arguments to use against all the standard polemics of those who want to drive religion down your throat.
You raise a very good point that escapes most theists and that is while they argue against atheists for not believing in their god, they forget that most of those arguments could be applied to them by somebody of another religion.
If you REALLY want to learn about your religion, read materials that offer compelling arguments AGAINST you interests and thoughtfully consider them in light of what you were TOLD as a child.
Most significantly, Duddington argues against the charge that permitting an increasing role for religion in the legal and political (i.e., public) spheres would necessitate the imposition of one system of belief upon another, by re-emphasising the argument that Christianity does not serve to generate a moral code, but rather provides a vehicle through which it may be discovered.
Therefore, I see any argument against God / religion involving people or evil to be invalid, unnecessary or irrelevant.
Another thing... if so called «pro-lifers» want to make a reasonable argument against those who are pro-choice or even just on the fence, you might want to smarten up and take the religion out of your argument.
Being Icky is not a good argument, and if it is against someone's religion, that has jack squat to do with it.
If you have arguments against the philosophy of the Church or the dogma of the religion, I can respect the difference and argue the points.
Actually, most of the arguments are voiced against the Abrahamic god myth that is the basis of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, although the basic logic could be applied to any religion.
If religion can never set secular policy, the religious argument against same sex marriage only affects those that adhere to that particular religion.
Secondly that logic is flawed as an argument against the removal of government endorsement of religion because nobody is asking the government to endorse rejection of religion either.
The man they really need to consult is, once again, Cardinal Newman, who leveled devastating artillery against the argument from design, especially in The Idea of a University, which despite its well - deserved fame has long gone underutilized by philosophers of religion, perhaps because his critique of their work is so devastating.
without religion people still kill people... its like the argument against guns.
In college I spent a lot of time learning about other religions, but my information came almost exclusively from other Christians presenting arguments against them.
The good common sense of this book's argument against the Enlightenment - induced idea that religion causes war is, in the end, not overcome by the problems noted.
As to your argument against the Evangelicals who try and force their religion down others throats — I got news for you, bud.
George's arguments in principle against coerced religious practice succeed only if he can establish the distinctiveness of religion as an aspect of human fulfillment.
«This has nothing to do with religion but with the fact that Romney is only recently pro-life and only recently able to articulate an argument against same - sex marriage,» said Richard Land, the public policy chief at the Southern Baptist Convention, the nation's largest evangelical denomination.
@Sunny You'll find more arguments against Christians here becuase Christianity is the dominany religion in the United States.
As Steven Weinberg points out here, the argument made against extremists ends up invoking a moral sense to argue that the religious ideas of the extremists are wrong, when the whole point of religion is that it should be the other way around.
The Orthodox church in Greece protested loudly against the removal of religion from the ID - card, and yet I can not find any rational argument supporting their actions other than trying to hang on to the privileged position of that church and its followers in the Greek state - effectively hanging on to the ability to treat non Christian Orthodox citizens as lesser citizens.
Commenting on the panel and its critics, Eugenie Scott, director of the National Center for Science Education in Oakland, California, which has campaigned successfully for the teaching of evolution in schools, objected to the «hijacking» of science for arguments about religion: for or against.
Silence is an argument for faith, against faith, for religion, against religion, for plurality, against fascism, without becoming either didactic or conciliatory.
When asked by a Christian radio station, Bennett said that their science curriculum presents evolution, creationism, and intelligent design as equally tenable explanations for the existence of life,» adding «We're centered in the Judeo - Christian tradition, we do not ignore faith and religion, we do not ignore the arguments against evolution, because there are some...»
Dhogoza, I don't think you can point the finger at religion — conservative or otherwise — but I have noticed a tendency of many advocates of Intelligent Design to adopt a strong version of the Anthropic Principle in arguments against climate change.
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