Sentences with phrase «argument in court»

Even today, eye witness accounts of crime are very weak arguments in a court of law.
But they receive absolutely no training or education about how best to make legal arguments in court, or get documents or witness statements admitted into evidence.
But the county has filed multiple arguments in court against repayment.
Recently, the rating agencies have lost some preliminary arguments in a court case where a defense they made is that ratings are free speech has been shot down.
It seems to me that he realized that he may not have a strong argument in court when he saw my radar.
We build the strongest possible case in support of your claim and present a persuasive argument in court to show that your claim should be covered without condition.
The bias against pro se litigants is reinforced every time someone makes irrelevant and badly formed arguments in court.
All this will eventually inform the way we develop argument in court or conduct negotiations, as well as the way we set up our own organisations.
Actually, the appeal's court judge decided the sign condition was met but that the seller's argument in court now included an additional requirement which was not disclosed to the buyer.
The fate of a man accused of sexually assaulting a young relative almost 20 years ago is now in the hands of Justice Laurie Lacelle after the lawyers for the defence and Crown made their final arguments in court on Thursday.
This Article is based on a simple premise: You should prepare for a career in law in the same way you would prepare for oral argument in court by writing a meticulously - researched and comprehensive legal brief.
We ask for your help in recognizing February 5th as a day these youth should have given open arguments in Court.
The case isn't expected to be decided until next week but, based on arguments in court today, Murray said he already thinks Yelp will find a way out of the lawsuit unscathed.
AT&T will back off making its political argument in court, but the question of presidential interference looms.
OTTAWA — As Finance Minister Jim Flaherty delivers the federal budget Thursday in the House of Commons, the Office of the Parliamentary Budget Officer will deliver arguments in court seeking clarity on its mandate and more information on the Conservative government's spending cuts.
Rachel Weisz plays Lipstadt, a committed, emotionally driven academic determined to shame her opponent — to expose his dangerous, laughable arguments in court.
The cases may well follow the pattern that played out after EPA's «endangerment» finding, motor vehicles rule, and new source review rules: More than 100 lawsuits were filed, but all were brought together for joint argument in court.
This may mean many arguments in court from all sides about whether the allegations surrounding Qatar were the responsibility of the bank as a corporate entity, the four men charged or, as the SFO believes, both Barclays and the individuals.
A failure to follow the advice of treatment providers is a common allegation made by ICBC»S lawyers when advancing a failure to mitigate argument in Court.
Mr. Sampley's cross-appeal related to the allegedly onerous financial conditions related to the child's return, in the absence of pleadings or argument in the court below with respect to same.
A domestic spat The ECtHR's intervention into the costs debate has been quickly followed by a more domestic argument in the Court of Appeal in Sibthorpe v L B of Southwark [2011] EWCA Civ 25, [2011] All ER (D) 183 (Jan).
Try that line of argument in a court of law against a pyromaniac, by saying that forest fires have always happened naturally.
After all, this is not a legal victory we chalked by making legal arguments in court.
New York's highest court on Tuesday will hear oral arguments in a court case that seeks to authorize physician - assisted suicide — a contentious issue that appears to be going nowhere this year in the Legislature.
Until then, we ask for your help in recognizing February 5th as a day these youth should have given opening arguments in Court.
My father was a lawyer and used his own life as an argument in court against his idea that it was utopian and that we couldn't build a compassionate world or business structure because he did it.
That liberalism is not an actual religion means the establishment clause will not generally avail contemporary traditionalists as a legal tool; arguments in court must continue to make the most of the free exercise clause, which offers us vital protections.
Fathers are just as willing and able to be parents as mothers, and they can present that argument in court.
The order granting leave by the court followed the hearing of an argument in court on exparte motion by SERAP counsel Ms Bamisope Ibidolapo.
«CSEA has tried to get local officials to do what's right by making our argument in the court of public opinion,» Donohue said.
Justice Idris granted the order for leave following the hearing of an argument in court on exparte motion by SERAP counsel Mrs Joke Fekumo.
The argument in the courts — playing out now in New Jersey and likely soon in New York — is simple: The state Constitution protects us from taking any share of the pain of the fiscal calamity.
There is a nagging sense in The Quality of Mercy that all the strongest action and blackest deeds have taken place in the past - instead of adventure on the high seas, we have arguments in courts of law.
I would love to make that argument in court.
If I had to make that argument in court, I'd build my case this way:
Perhaps cognizant of the fact that they can't win the «less strict» argument in court, the new E.P.A. line of defense is that California does not meet the compelling and extraordinary circumstances test.
This will give you the chance to see how a barrister addresses legal facts in issue, and how they present their arguments in court.
It is hard to tell the precise facts from the published Webber rulings, but there does not seem to have been any argument in court on the timing point.
This is not how Charter challenges should work, and raising the argument in Court displays a problematic attitude of the Crown towards its obligations.
If defense attorneys wanted to make either of Starr's arguments in court, they would have to know the algorithm's factors and how they are weighed.
What is more, given the continued emphasis by the majority in Denton as to the importance of compliance with rules, practice directions and court orders potentially even at the expense of justice on the individual facts of each case there remains some incentive for parties to want to voice these arguments in court.
Under that premise, they might argue that you were an employee (but they might lose that argument in court).
There would be a good case for sanctioning you if you made that argument in court.
Whereas a Halsburys purports to be an authoritative black letter statement of the law, usually written by a singe person, a Juris Classeur encyclopedia aspires to have greater weight in the course of legal argument in the courts.
Take persuasion and negotiation, or formulating legal arguments in court, or assessing the credibitility of a witness for example.
At oral argument in that court, they withdrew their objections to these rules, conceding
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