Sentences with phrase «argumentation from»

The following assessment shall be two-fold, covering firstly a more in - depth analysis of the judgment as being probably the last piece in the dispute and secondly, an overall evaluation of the Court's argumentation from the beginning of the dispute.
And at the same time, you can't help but learn something about the fine art of argumentation from charts as practiced by the master himself, Steve McIntyre, and refined in his most devoted media outlet, the U.K. based Mail on Sunday.
Such activities should motivate them to question and investigate; make predictions; collect, analyze and interpret data; refine their questions; and engage in argumentation from evidence.
Hartshorne believes that his method is sufficiently empirical to support his claim to having an empirical epistemology, but he does not exclude transcendental argumentation from empirical method.

Not exact matches

Whatever orthodox believers may think of Kenny's journey over these decades from classical theism to something vaguer, he is at least an equal - opportunity basher: For his aversion to absolutism can equally well be employed against the New Atheists, who affect an apodictic absolutism in their argumentation that makes them as impregnable to counterevidence as anything found in a creationist textbook.
I suspected I'd get a little pushback from fellow Christians who hold a complementarian perspective on gender, (a position that requires women to submit to male leadership in the home and church, and often appeals to «biblical womanhood» for support), but I had hoped — perhaps naively — that the book would generate a vigorous, healthy debate about things like the Greco Roman household codes found in the epistles of Peter and Paul, about the meaning of the Hebrew word ezer or the Greek word for deacon, about the Paul's line of argumentation in 1 Timothy 2 and 1 Corinthians 11, about our hermeneutical presuppositions and how they are influenced by our own culture, and about what we really mean when we talk about «biblical womanhood» — all issues I address quite seriously in the book, but which have yet to be engaged by complementarian critics.
I have studied the literature quite a bit, and observed some hearsay evidence from religious parties, and studied the argumentation of conservative Christian PhDs doing research (Yarhouse, Throckmorton, etc.)... but find no evidence in scripture, or in science, of tangible victims due to same - sex marriage.
Aside from being an excellent example of Hartshorne's commitment to transcendental argumentation, this shows the relationship between the question of the self and the nature of God for Hartshorne, and how the question of the past ties them together.
He is using specific rhetorical rules from the first century called epistolary diatribe argumentation.
Indeed, since the movement of the argumentation (such as it is) is towards first principles - including this single first principle - and since scientific argumentation is from first principles, any strictly - speaking demonstrative argumentation would have to be limited to preliminary and ancillary issues, such as whether material substances are properly - speaking forms or rather composites, etc..
I would argue that good systematics originates in prayer and in the praxis from which knowledge comes, and not in second order philosophical argumentation.6
Above all, of course, is (2 Corinthians 15, where it is especially obvious in his circular argumentation of verses 12 - 13 2 — I «Now if Christ is proclaimed as raised from the dead, how can some of you say there is no resurrection of the dead?
This is the fairly typical conflation of issues, ignorance, misrepresentation and non-sequitur argumentation that we have come to expect from anti-religious propagandists.
19 The same argumentation can be found in the following quotation from Lewis Ford which was also used in note 16:
«Love does not wrong to its neighbor» — granted, that quote is from the Bible, which is outside this line of argumentation.
Matthews would not accept this line of argumentation, saying, «when you call a person a name, you effectively end the conversation because you imply that the person has absolutely nothing good to offer and should be discounted from the dialog completely.»
Using the example of the current debate surrounding anthropomorphic climate change, Thompson sought to evaluate the argument from authority through a single prism, the way in which science is handled in argumentation about public policy.
Planned Parenthood is just using word games and not making a logically valid point from an argumentation standpoint.
We welcome submissions from academics and students in and outside the University of Oxford, from all disciplines and persuasions, as long as they offer evidence - based argumentation and academic rigour.
The people who are doing space - related observations are very happy that there could be a connection from space to Earth because it makes a good argumentation for understanding processes out there.
Look to a scene driving back from Cannes where a decade or so of French cinema plays out in one conversation, the petty argumentation and indifference wonderfully captured within the proscenium of a car windshield.
And regardless of your politics, any reasonable viewer should find much to question in Bannon's analyses of recent historical events, which run the gamut from debatable argumentation to wild truth - spinning to sheer balderdash.
Malcolm X (Spike Lee, 1992) and Lumumba (Raoul Peck, 2000) are discussed from the important perspective of whether they represent racial - colonialist «appropriationist» or «assimilationist» narratives, and Bingham uses specific textual details (including cinematic techniques), extensive background production research, and his own logical argumentation to substantiate his opinions on these significant issues.
Analyze clips from the daily news together to help students differentiate between bombast or name - calling and effective argumentation backed by evidence.
It is a privilege for me to be asked to provide this blog post to you as a way of introducing you to a new resource from LDC — a new essay and teaching resource, titled Argumentation Across the Disciplines, authored by myself (P. David Pearson) and colleagues Vicki Griffo, Catherine Miller, and Barrie Olson.
eBook readers are not high technology driven like other gadgets, and there is no reason why people would not use a Kindle 1 even 5 years from now, so in this case in particular, I simply do not agree with the argumentation that technology has a way of progressing and that it is okay to abandon previous hardware.
Next, you have to proceed with constructing a solid argumentation supported with evidence from secondary sources.
But the main difference from the usual research paper is argumentation of the issue's specific features.
The main signs of persuasive impact of the thesis statement writing is distinguishing it from the inculcation are the argumentation and validity.
* Tenney Naumer — sometimes the deny / delay crowd riles her up a little too much, but aside from the argumentation Tenney's had some great discussions of actual data, of which there's sadly too little going on most of the time here.
If the only conclusion drawn from my argumentation is that every event is natural, that's OK, but my linky and larger point was that there is a larger discussion over the environment as a «thing», a distinction which allows the environment to be devalued (and allows the environmental movement to be seen as a special interest).
There is now a considerable literature, both in argumentation studies generally and in artificial intelligence research on argumentation, on argument from expert opinion.
Generally the so called sceptics should not be excluded from the reports moreover there should be a chapter or even a special report on the sceptics including the argumentation against them.
Beliefs can be bolstered from without by argumentation and claims of disbelief.
This thread contains a lot of argumentation on the significance of the observation that releases from burning fossil fuels are larger than the increase of CO2 in the atmosphere.
Perfect video illustration that saved us from reading thousands of words of argumentation.
We have here from Joseph an example of tendentious argumentation.
But arguments from an overly - restricted context are examples, too: examples of misleading argumentation.
In it, he now claims that some points that Miskolczi originally seemed to derive as theoretical results were actually extracted from observations; of course, this makes an incoherent mess out of the argumentation.
With a reasonable argumentation that also the Land fraction of satellite data is a good indicator of land temperatures, lets look at the «extra heat» seen in the ground based land temperature measurements (mostly from cities and airports).
The way in which the document is presented doesn't seek to present the reader with a logical argumentation structure, doesn't separate the essential from secondary, doesn't explain and structure experimental data and its treatment when applicable.
«Dilemma» comes from rhetoric — argumentation — where it means an attempt to compel your opponent to choose between (only) two equally unpalatable alternatives (the «horns» of the dilemma); now it means any difficult problem.
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