Sentences with phrase «arguments about electricity»

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«I can sit down with someone and have an argument about about climate change, and in fact when we were working on the Paris Accords... there were some folks within the Indian government who would say to me «look we're a poor country our priority has to be getting power and electricity to poor people and so we should not have to do X Y Z», and I said «well I understand that,»» Obama said at a summit in New Delhi.
Although it does not negate your argument, I have an offering on your numbers: Generally accepted Carbon intensity of electricity production is about 450gCO2 / kWh, so you need to substitute around twice as much as you have in your calculation with Nuclear.
(the only thing you will need to get a professional in to do is your Electricity and your Gas Plumbing) so there really is no argument about how much the «those builders who are making a living building tiny houses» charge, as you are the Builder not someone else.
I am aware of people making the argument that the big push by the nuclear industry for enormous government subsidies to find a massive expansion of nuclear power on the basis that nuclear power is «THE ANSWER» to global warming is a fraud that dishonestly and cynically takes advantage of growing concern about the very real problem of global warming, and I make that argument myself (because even a quite large expansion of nuclear electricity generation would have little effect on overall GHG emissions, at great cost, taking too long to achieve even that little effect, while misdirecting resources that could more effectively be applied elsewhere).
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