Sentences with phrase «arguments against author»

That tends to do their arguments against Author Solutions little good.
Jan writes «You can't logically or empirically refute the results of a scientific study, of any scientific study, by applying ad hominem arguments against the authors of the study.»

Not exact matches

«Just like Bitcoin is a puerile rebellion against monetary orthodoxy, so too is carnivory a puerile rebellion against nutritional orthodoxy,» Wilcox says, summarizing the author's argument.
Would some people still be discussing the merit of the memo's arguments or would there be a universal call for swift action against its author?
Current enthusiasm for civil society is usually traced to the arguments of Vaclav Havel, the Czech president, and others who posited the claims of civil society against the totalitarian claims of communism, and, earlier than that, to the To Empower People manifesto authored by Peter Berger and myself in order to lift up the crucial role of non-governmental «mediating institutions» in public policy.
The alleged «silence» about the virgin birth from other New Testament authors can not be used as an argument against it since its factuality would have been revealed by Mary only after the resurrection and it did not constitute the centre of the Easter message; Redford even finds hints thatother New Testament authors framed their affirmations to allow for the virgin birth.
Growing out of a series of books and essays Kekes has written over the last several years - on the nature of moral argument, the problem of evil, and the conflictual goods and evils that make up life as we know it - Against Liberalism marks the author's most explicit broadside against liberal theory tAgainst Liberalism marks the author's most explicit broadside against liberal theory tagainst liberal theory to date.
While I'm not really against gay marriage, the author's argument doesn't quite reach me.
Hoping to find an interesting debate on this page, I was disappointed that the arguments against Labour seem to be the same old «wasn't Blair / Brown shit», «Iraq, Iraq, Iraq», and a series of personal slurs against the author.
My question regards one of the author's empirical arguments against veganism.
The authors» main argument against the proven cost - effectiveness of planned home birth is that «the lifetime costs of supporting the neurologically disabled children who will result from planned home birth» have not been factored in, nor have the supposedly increased rates of death.
In her The Death and Life of the Great American School System, author Diane Ravitch discusses the historical arguments for and against school vouchers and school choice.
You go against your own argument by qualifying Author with the word Professional.
Teleread has posted an in - depth piece on how one - star spite reviews continue to plague authors, and as usual, The Passive Voice had a ton of well - formed arguments in favor of the current review system, railing against it, and outright admitting that reviews as a concept are simply flawed.
At the same time, a few months ago some authors were saying anybody who gets victimized by Amazon probably had it coming (several people used that argument against me when my books were nearly pulled from KU).
The problem with this is that his own arguments against self - publishing would cut against these so - called hybrid authors when it comes to their self - published work.
Some arguments could be make against us: it's an evidence that what's used to be for a long time, a few authors at the top of the industry, the only ones to have the right (not always by merit, but rather because they were chosen by publishers) to have their books visible, was highly detrimental for the rest of us.
I've heard the «what if Amazon turns evil» argument a lot of times, but my reading of the situation is that the fear of Amazon some day abusing its power to force a bad deal on authors has to be weighed against the simple fact that publishers are currently forcing authors to accept bad deals.
I don't think «legacy» authors ever had a valid argument with their «protecting against crap» spiel.
The biggest argument against Countdown Deals is many authors feel that they'll «lose» income because they discount a book for a week.
Arguments in favor of this bill have been inconsistent and senate author Charles Wyrick (D - Fairland) argued in the senate agriculture and rural development committee against rules which he knew had already been removed from the bill.
A team of speakers, including Julian Spalding (author of The Eclipse of Art), made impassioned speeches in the motion's favour, and even those against seemed so half - hearted that Peregrine Worsthorne was moved to inquire from the floor: «Is there an argument here?»
Regardless, even if the authors are right, they are making an argument against a very stiff carbon tax, which is what is required to hold warming to 2 degrees Celsius.
No one seems to be able to make an intelligent argument against the article, so they launch in frustrated attacks against the author.
# 3 - perhaps the strongest argument against «ghostwriting» is that a blog should represent the «personal voice» of the attributed author.
The law doesn't say what methods of creating this apprehension are illegal; therefore you can make an argument that a threat against you in someone's blog is enough to have the author charged with a crime.
Judge Alito, however, may be a different case, thanks in particular to the legal argument against Roe v. Wade he helped author after he wrote this initial memo.
Arguments in favor of the author - pays, open - access model and against the reader - pays model included the following:
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z