Sentences with phrase «argyria by»

I stated that he was placing people at risk for argyria by publishing that colloidal silver made with a sodium / salt primer created an unstable, scientifically proven inferior product.
Stan Jones is a politician from Montana who acquired the condition of argyria by consuming extremely high quantities of a home - made colloidal silver.
(1) Hill and Pillsbury could only find 239 reported cases of argyria by 1939.

Not exact matches

Even so, they concluded that even with silver nitrate «the danger of argyria is very slight if the total amount injested by mouth is below six grams.»
The second case of argyria was caused by the excessive consumption of silver chloride.
This condition is known as argyria, a harmless and extremely rare condition that only results from a massive and long - term internal use of silver compounds in which the particle size is too great, or uses silver salts as a base (like the royals did, without access to e.g. high - quality colloidal silver)-- but by itself is non-toxic.
Risk of silver toxicity or argyria may be reduced by avoiding any silver consumption for a period of three to four months after the completion of a therapeutic regimen.
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