Sentences with phrase «arising out»

That is, there is the perfection of the subjective form arising out of the variety of prehensions in such a way that the component feelings do not inhibit each other from achieving their ideal inter-relation.
All aesthetic experience is feeling arising out of the realization of contrast under identity» (PR 427; cf. 285).
To parents whose economic means are insufficient... it is the duty of the State to furnish the necessary means... from the common funds arising out of the taxation of the whole country.
We will see below an example of such a boundary arising out of the Church's doctrine of original sin.
Arising out of these crises, the voice of the faithful clamours to be heard.
As Birch and Cobb say, «In every moment there is... a new possibility arising out... of what is given for that moment» (LL 184).
We are left with the picture of a singularly fecund historical interlude, composed of variously gifted and creatively eccentric individuals seemingly arising out of nowhere and committed to a symbolic transformation of the world of their contemporaries.
Analogously, revelation, if it is to catch our attention, would also have to provide an image, or a set of images, that can respond to the confusions arising Out of the four circles in which our lives are embedded.
However, if you're really determined, you can always think of yet another far - fetched factor or explanation, such as matter that comes into existence all by itself, an infinite number of universes in which every possibility has happened or will happen in its own universe, life and consciousness spontaneously arising out of inert matter, etc..
The difference between this objective content and the content arising out of the integration of conformal feeling with supplemental conceptual feelings (the «mental pole») is felt as «appearance.»
b arising out of this, an extreme degree of organisation which makes him the most perfectly and deeply centered of all cosmic particles within the field of our experience;
Since in the insecurity arising out of its awareness of its finite freedom, the self tends to absolutise itself and puts itself in opposition to its own nature as given by God in Creation and Redemption, self - alienation is an ever - present aspect of human reality.
This point can be reinforced by looking at the engineering possibilities arising out of physiology and genetics, on the one side, and cybernetic computer science, on the other side.
To the naturalist death is no problem at all, and to the idealist it is a problem for that very reason, for so far from arising out of man's essential spiritual being it actually destroys it.
Arising out of what I have said, the diagram at the end of this chapter represents the state of tension which has come to exist more or less consciously in every human heart as a result of the seeming conflict between the modern forward impulse (OX), induced in us all by the newly - born force of trans - hominization, and the traditional upward impulse of religious worship (OY).
b Secondly we must enlarge our approach to encompass the formation, taking place before our eyes and arising out of this factor of hominization, of a particular biological entity such as has never before existed on earth — the growth, outside and above the biosphere, (This term, invented by Suess, is sometimes interpreted (Vernadsky) in the sense of the «terrestrial zone containing life».
Arising out of the Gospel traditions there is another common and important argument which runs like this.
They are all addressed to readers already Christian, and they deal with theological and ethical problems arising out of the attempt to follow the Christian way of life and thought in a non-Christian world.
We also see these principles as arising out of our faith commitments to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Whitehead interprets the data in terms of his own metaphysical categories as «the self enjoyment of being one among many and of being one arising out of the composition of many» (PR 220).
Reumann outlines the historical hardening of theological categories between Lutherans and Catholics arising out of the Reformation doctrine of justification by faith, and the convergence toward a common understanding on justification and related doctrines through Lutheran - Catholic dialogues over the past thirty years.
A common motif for a relevant theology needs to be centered upon action and reflection arising out of a commitment to Jesus Christ as Lord and the desire both to understand and to act with God in the light of a corrupt and changing world.
«Fit for Mission — Schools» is a document arising out of the Diocese of Lancaster's review of its sacramental and missionary life.
The second charge admitted by the company stated that it failed to ensure members of the public were not exposed to risks to their safety arising out of the driving of public service vehicles by Chander.
HOLLOWAY»S REASONABLE EPISTEMOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT Dear Father Editor With regards to your September 2006 editorial («The Catholic Vision of Matter: Towards a New Synthesis») and the discussion arising out of it (recent Letters pages), it seems to me that a more fruitful frame of reference for the debate might be Thomas» epistemology.
Of course, The Laurels and The Cedars are just two schools and much more could be said about the good work that is being done in schools across the country, about the sterling work done by Catholic home educators, and about a range of other initiatives including the steady growth of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd and the projects arising out of Stratford Caldecott's two books on education: Beauty for Truth's Sake and Beauty in the Word.
Marx's socio - economic vision is not just humanism, but humanism arising out of the vision of class struggle.
The author analyzes the evangelical's need to develop a consensus theology, one arising out of Biblical, traditional and contemporary data.
To seek prayerfully and humbly within the believing community a consensus theology, one arising out of Biblical, traditional, and contemporary data, is the evangelical's task.
Under the liberal policy of the empire, which allowed a fair degree of local autonomy, the Sanhedrin exercised wide jurisdiction as a court of justice, especially in matters arising out of the peculiar practices and institutions of the Jewish religion.
The evangelical's task is to seek prayerfully and humbly within the believing community a consensus theology, one arising out of Biblical, traditional, and contemporary data.
It is not a fact prior to the world; it is the first determination of order — that is, of real potentiality — arising out of the general character of the world....
«Experience» is «the self - enjoyment of being one among many, and of being one arising out of the composition of many.»
Under all variations of form, they continued to affirm that in the events out of which the Christian Church arose there was a conclusive act of God, who in them visited and redeemed His people; and that in the corporate experience of the Church itself there was revealed a new quality of life, arising out of what God had done, which in turn corroborated the value set upon the facts.
The psychiatrist's preoccupation, arising out of his professional training, with the causes and treatment of mental illness; (Richard V. McCann, The Churches and Mental Health [New York: Basic Books, 1962], pp. 133 - 34.)
This explains the curious phenomenon of «soft pedagogy» arising out of an educational philosophy aimed at stimulating serious effort by students.
The question arising out of this experience is not, as in the Reformation, the question of a merciful God and the forgiveness of sins; nor is it, as in the early Greek church, the question of infinitude, of death and error, nor is it the question of the personal religious life, or of the Christianization of culture and society.
In this light, the basic motivations which drive human behavior are understood as arising out of the relationship between the individual and God the Creator.
Thus «It is not a fact prior to the world; it is the first determination of order — that is, of real potentiality — arising out of the general character of the world» (PR 103).
For example, it is a general or pure possibility that I might win the 100 - meter dash in the next Olympic Games, but this is not a real possibility given my creaky joints, advancing years, etc. «Real potentiality» refers to those possibilities for the ingression of eternal objects which still remain after one strikes from consideration the impossibilities which the conditions of a given, factual world eliminate from the horizon of any particular actual entity or set of actual entities arising out of that world.
Frei believed that those who develop theology that way, beginning with existential questions arising out of the human situation, will start reading the biblical stories as either historical raw material or timeless truths and moral lessons.
In view of the emphasis upon «tax collectors and sinners that is so widespread in the tradition, it is natural to see this emphasis upon universalism as arising out of that concern.
Verse 20 immediately falls under suspicion, since it seems to provide a reason for early Christian fasting, and, more importantly, it uses the allegory bridegroom = Jesus (This allegory is itself a product of early Christian piety, arising out of the concept of the Church as the bride of Christ [II Cor.
society, where sin is viewed as little more than psychological maladjustment, or behavior arising out of corrupt economic structures, or as a failure of the educational system, baptism reminds us that, in spite of Gestalt and I'm OK, You're OK, what we do naturally is not the best we could do, that our inborn selfishness and pride are life - and - death matters, that Christians are made, not born.
While I can not develop the argument here, I believe it makes sense to understand unilateral power as a special case arising out of the more basic relational power, much as determinism arises statistically out of subatomic indeterminancy.
The family is bound genetically by blood ties and by a closely knit culture arising out of its common life.
Arising out of a process of differentiation from transcendent order, the idea of society stands, from the very moment of its birth, in a dialectical tension with the concept of the individual.
The exercise of individual discretion was widespread after the time of the first two Caliphs, particularly after the great sedition arising out of the assassination of the third Caliph, Uthman.
If Hegel has reinterpreted Aristotle's potential universal as the an sich, he has supplied a criterion of «actualized» universality that is derived from Kant: universality is determined by the necessary being - for - mind of the individual, such necessity arising out of the structure of the mind itself.
In his writings Islam becomes a social and religious movement arising out of the natural needs of man.
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