Sentences with word «armlock»

Her own work, prised from the Greenbergian armlock, became ever more figurative.
More recent versions of the Underwoodian vision picture Jerusalem and Athens going hand in hand into the sunset of service to humankind, though one suspects that Athens really has Jerusalem in an armlock.
«He appeared to have one of the officers in an armlock, he put his arm around the officer's neck, and the other police officer was on top of him,» Grew told ITV.
Jon Cruddas, the Dagenham MP who narrowly missed out on the deputy Labour leadership last year, said the crisis required «radical shock treatment», adding: «The way to do that is to introduce proportional representation and a system of fair votes to replace the current arrangement under which a few thousand swing votes have an armlock around the body politic.»
Stock analysts trumpeted Netscape as a potential Microsoft, a company which might soon have an armlock on Internet commerce in the same way Microsoft has on PC operating systems.
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