Sentences with phrase «armor rating»

Updated abilities to function correctly with front armor rating.
There are also tons of clothing items with armor ratings and health boosts that can be collected and used to adorn Daryl.
Ships have armor ratings for the top and bottom of their hulls, and if they're on the same plane they'll crash straight into each other.
The Talon has a weak armor rating but the most maneuverability out of any vehicle, so getting out of tough situations is fairly easy.
There are also tons of clothing items with armor ratings and health boosts that can be collected and used to adorn Daryl.
While the combat is not earth - shattering in its brilliance, it adds a nice twist as each enemy has an armor rating that must be reduced in order to do more damage to their actual life.
Instead of lives, ships have a health bar based on the type of ship and their armor rating.
Would you be happier with new loot that improved your armor rating of 10,000 by 10 % or loot that improved it by 1,000?
If you find an item with a perk that you don't want to be rid of, dismantling stronger items (those with higher attack or armor rating) and infusing them into the item allow you to increase its current values.
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