Sentences with phrase «armored enemies»

In order to harvest or rescue your Little Sisters, you must battle your way through their guardians, or Big Daddies, enormous, armored enemies with large quantities of health and giant weapons.
There are a handful of armored enemies towards the end that do require a little extra effort.
Specialize Dragons with «nom» to auto - kill armored enemies in one bite when they fall below a certain % health
Most boss fights amount to circle - strafing and shooting an heavily armored enemy until they go down.
The video goes at length to show these favorites in action, as the player fights off a mix of humanoid, robotic, and large armored enemies.
First off you'll be able to light the normal blades with fire to cause extra damage, break armored enemies and leave them with some burn damage.
All characters, who can be swapped on the fly, come with unique upgradable skills, learned by leveling up or by reading Manuals, and different attack attributes that are more effective against specific enemies: flying enemies are generally weak against Piercing attacks, armored enemies against Crushing attacks and so on.
New rifles become available as you progress through the game, with increasingly better stats, as you also start facing armored enemies.
You'll need to be somewhat strategic as certain agents will have an easier time draining the shields on shielded enemies and armor - draining heroes on armored enemies.
This allows much faster time for defeating heavily - armored enemies as well as open up Phazon passages.
Stealth take - down 10 armored enemies with melee by first removing their helmets without being detected
I sat for well over 6 hours to beat the game — no easy task considering the wide variety of armored enemies, each with their own elemental strengths and weaknesses.
When you complete these missions, there will be less (or none at all) armored enemies in the next few main missions.
When deployed for combat, the OWL can be used to flank heavily armored enemies, or to distract groups while you time a well - placed grenade.
Other weapons are good for dealing with armored enemies or adding in elemental damage.
This is totally intentional and makes a lot of sense in terms of having to work as a team, as well as to learn how to see what type of armor your enemy is packing in order to use the right weapon.
The bro that doesn't have any aggro becomes practically invisible, letting that guy run around behind gun emplacements or armored enemies to get a better shot.
Kratos» blades are engulfed in flames and allow him to destroy previously invincible objects and armored enemies.
Then there are armored enemies, requiring a stun before doing into a beatdown mode, and of course enemies with guns that can shoot you from a distance.
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