Sentences with phrase «arms back»

I was then able to pull on the lace which opened the arms across the full windshield, and when I released the lace the elastic waist band pulled the arms back to rest again.
Finally, you'll raise up two arms on the sides of the Smart Lock Pro unit, fit the unit over the adapter plate and extender, and snap the unit's arms back down to firmly grab the adapter plate, resting flush against the door.
While the second officer held her arms back, the officer punched the plaintiff in the head and then threw her to the floor, dragged her to the door, and handcuffed her.
Hagrid carried his apparently lifeless body in his arms back to Hogwarts castle, where a triumphant and gloating Voldemort announced his victory («Harry Potter is dead»), and kept Harry's disbelieving, heartbroken supporters at bay with his wand.
We don't know which part of the video we love more: how into the lyrics Hadid gets (she practically flings her head and arms back in preparation of the song's epic chorus) or her adorably off - tune high notes.
Then bring your arms back down, reverse the bicep curl, and stand up.
• Alternate three sets of 15 side lunges (alternate sides) with three sets of 20 dumbbell bicep curls to shoulder press (with palms up curl dumbbells into your chest keeping your elbows close to your sides, press dumbbells up, bring your arms back down, reverse curl and repeat).
When you are ready, inhale and bring your arms back into one line, lifting your upper body into the centre and then with feet facing forward.
Engaging Ujjayi pranayama, inhale your arms up overhead, then exhale the arms back down.
Some of my athletes need physical prompting through the end range of an overhead press but can «get» a band row when I demonstrate pulling my arms back while standing parallel to them.
• Think of pulling yourself through the air by driving your arms back as fast and hard as you can.
Taking the arms back — whether out to side, back, or down by your side back — is an action that we need in a lot of yoga poses, especially back bending poses like Cobra, Locust, and more advanced back bends like Bridge.
Then, bring your arms back to the starting position.
Extend your arms and squeeze the back of the arms and shoulders, holding for a second before lowering the arms back below you so the fingers touch, then lift back up.
With your arms on the stability ball, push your arms forward so that the ball moves forward a few inches and then bring your arms back.
Bring your arms back down and stand back up to the starting position (e).
«When you bring your arms back from opening them up, see if you can maintain the feeling of freedom in the chest when you open your arms!»
Start at standing position and jump out legs wide while simultaneously bringing arms kept straight in a circle motion at side of body all the way up so hands meet overhead, then simultaneously jump feet back in close together and bring arms back down reversing the motion.
Alternate arms back and forth with no rest for three to five sets.
Maintaining that evenness in both sides of the rib cage and waist, slowly bring the arms back in line with the hips.
Exhale and simultaneously bring the arms back down to the sides and use the musculature of the core to articulate the vertebrae and return the body to the mat.
Inhale as you slowly lower your arms back to your sides.
Hold this position for the target amount of time, and then bring your arms back down to your sides with deep exhale.
When you bring your arms back toward the midline of your body, focus on using your pec muscles to draw them back together.
Imagine pulling your thighs to your arms and arms back toward your thighs.
Reaching the arms back will stretch the added tightness in chest that comes with frontal weight gain.
(Face away from stairs, place hands on stair, fingers facing body, feet on floor with knees bent; bend elbows to 90 degrees, lowering body toward floor; Press arms back to full extension.)
In a controlled manner, bring your arms back to the starting position in line with your chest.
Squeeze the shoulder muscles in the middle of the back to help pull the shoulder blades and arms back.
Move your upper arms back slightly when bar approaches your head, to allow it to pass by.
Take a few breaths in this position and then fold back down to touch the floor then swing your arms back up to the sky, press your hands together into prayer position as you guide your hands back down in front of the chest.
On the exhalation, roll the upper arms back toward the wall, opening the chest between the sternum and shoulder.
From there, explosively jump straight up, swinging your arms back behind you as you do.
Turn your hands with your palms facing downwards then push against the water as you bring your arms back down at your sides.
Exhale as you bring your arms back, inhale on the return.
Stretch your arms back, palms up, and close to the hips.
Bringing you arms back.
Straighten arms back up (c).
Box jumps — Using a thigh - high box, squat and swing your arms back.
Laying on ground with knees bent and feet on the ground, have arms outstretched at sides and with a dumbbell in one hand, then crunch up torso while bringing both arms up, in a circular motion keeping arms straight, in front of you, pass the dumbbell to your other hand, always keeping both arms straight, and as you release the crunch bringing torso back to ground, also bring both arms back to ground, stretched out at sides with the opposite hand holding onto dumbbell.
Have the students inhale their arms up the air, exhale extend forward touching their toes, inhale arms back up and then on an exhale, slowly lower all the way down onto their backs, with their feet still connected in the middle.
Starting with the arms straight, they pull the arms back, bending the elbows, until the hands are level with the chest.
Don't let your bottom touch the floor; straighten your arms back to the starting position.
From standing bend over at hips so hands touch floor and walk hands out to plank position, do a plank jack by jumping feet both out at the same time to wide legs and then back in to center, and then walk arms back in and stand up.
The athlete starts with the arms straight, above and in front of the head.They then pull the arms back, bending the elbows until the hands are in front of the chest.
Lower your legs, torso and arms back down to the floor (c).
I also love the variations on Ustrasana from slowly swimming the arms back one at a time (I call it Camel doing the Backstroke) to playing with dropping back.
Athlete is on their front over a table of gym ball and raises the arms back while squeezing the scapulae or shoulder blades
At the top of the second arm circle, bring your arms back down in front of you as you make a fist again.
Lower the arms back to the sides and hop back into the starting position.
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