Sentences with phrase «arms extended overhead»

What to do: Lie on your back with arms extended overhead, feet flexed, and heels resting on a wall (or calves on a bench); your legs should be at a 45 - degree angle to the ground.
Sit on the floor with the right leg bent, the left leg straight and the arms extended overhead.
Press the bar directly upwards with your arms extended overhead, keep your core braced throughout the move.
Hold a dumbbell in each hand, arms extended overhead about shoulder - width apart and palms facing away from you.
Press the bar directly upwards with your arms extended overhead, keep your core braced throughout the move, and hen lower the bar back down to your shoulders and repeat.
Lie on your back with arms extended overhead, feet flexed, and heels resting on a wall (or calves on a bench); your legs should be at a 45 - degree angle to the ground.
To increase the difficulty of this exercise and get a nice shoulder stretch, too, do the same exercise with your hands and arms extended overhead (e).
Side bend (Lucy) Begin by standing tall with your arms extended overhead.
Single - Arm / Leg Jackknife: Lie faceup with arms extended overhead (A).
Lie face up on floor with legs together and extended, holding ball with both hands, arms extended overhead with elbows next to ears.
Standing Toe Touches Standing with your feet hip - width apart and your arms extended overhead, contract your abs and kick your right leg out in front of you while bringing your left arm down to touch your toes.
-- Lie on your back on the floor with a moderate - weight kettlebell in your left hand (less than you'd use for a Turkish getup, for instance), your left knee bent, and your right arm extended overhead.
You can do this exercise with your head down and the bottom arm extended overhead, or you can do it supported on your forearm with your elbow under your shoulder as seen.

Not exact matches

Begin by holding the bar directly overhead with fully extended arms, then lower it down by bending your elbows and go as far as you can, but make sure to keep your neck, back and upper arms straight.
Push into both feet and rise back up, extending left leg back and arms overhead to the right.
Take a dumbbell or medicine ball and press it overhead — hold it in both hands with your arms fully extended.
Shift your weight into your right palm, extending your left arm overhead.
Exhale to extend the arms overhead to Warrior I (Virabhadrasana I).
To perform it, lock a pair of dumbbells or kettlebells overhead with arms fully extended, brace your core and slowly walk for at least 50 feet.
Clasp your hands together, palms facing outward, and extend your arms overhead.
Extend your arms overhead and your legs out to 45 degrees, then circle your arms around and pull your knees back in to your chest.
Press the barbell with your arm taking it overhead and forward until it is fully extended.
Start by extending your arms overhead to the sky.
How to: Lie on your stomach the floor with your arms overhead, fully extended.
▪️ Next extend the arms overhead but don't let the ribs open.
Extend your arms overhead without letting your ribs open.
Extend your right arm overhead, keeping your left arm down by your side, palm out.
Then, keeping the upper arms in place, rotate them until the wrists come directly above the elbows - Using the traps to pull the weight up and then the rotator cuff muscles to raise the weight over the shoulder, press the dumbbells by extending the elbows and straightening the arms overhead - Slowly return to the original position
The best tip I learned was to use a strap around the lifted leg and inch my hand overhead closer toward my foot slowly, while using a wall for support with the extended arm for balancing, focusing on one thing at a time instead of many.
Jump up as high as you can, keeping your legs wide and extending your arms straight overhead.
Extend arms straight up overhead and jump up (B); as you land, return arms to «A.» Jump up again, this time extending arms straight out in front of you (C).
With arms fully extended and overlapped fingers, bring the dumbbell over your chest, then start lowering it in an overhead arc until you feel a good stretch in your pecs.
Slowly come up to standing, pressing the handles up overhead until your arms are fully extended (c).
As you do this, press the dumbbell overhead with arm extended.
From this position balancing on your tailbone, extend back out, legs to a hover, arms overhead, and roll onto left side.
Next, roll onto your back (keeping your legs hovering) and extend your arms overhead.
With your palm starting in neutral position (facing your body), press the kettlebell overhead until your arm is fully extended and rotating the hand so your palm is facing ahead.
Extend arms straight overhead.
You don't need anything special to do this, just shoot your butt back, keep your chest up, touch the floor and then fully extend, squeezing your butt and reaching your arms up overhead.
Begin with the barbell at a height so that you can reach it with your arms fully extended overhead.
Attach a V - handle to a high cable pulley and sit in front of it so when you hold the handle, your arms are extended overhead.
Extend your arms overhead for one last hallelujah, then release your arms and step your feet back toward each other into Tadasana (Mountain Pose).
For example, a pull up works the vertical plane from top to bottom (overhead), a bent over row or body row works the horizontal plane, and a high pull works the vertical plane from bottom to top (from arms extended below the waist to the chin).
Lift your arms out in front of you and raise until they are extended straight overhead.
It should not require a dozen silly movements like those planks where you extend your left arm and right leg and repeat, or squats to overhead presses with dumbbells, or walking lunges while wiggling your wrists and attempting to forcefully adduct your big toe.
Stand up straight, extending your arms overhead.
As you breathe in, extend the arms overhead and keep them parallel, palms facing inward.
Start by sitting in the pulldown machine grasping the bar with your arms fully extended overhead.
Press the weight straight overhead so that your arms are almost fully extended, hold for a count of one, then bring it down to the front of your shoulders.
Extend your arms overhead until they're completely straight (c).
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