Sentences with phrase «arms extended straight»

• Stand with feet shoulder - width apart, arms extended straight out to sides at shoulder height holding dumbbells.
Arm Swings — Stand straight with your arms extended straight out at the sides and elbows slightly bent.
While keeping your arms extended straight, extend your legs straight out in front of you about 6 inches off of the ground with your knees locked.
Do a standard Chair Pose with arms extended straight in front of you.
Hold a resistance band in front of you with your arms extended straight out.
Lie flat on your back with your arms extended straight back behind your head and your legs extended.
Hold a towel taut between your hands, with your arms extended straight upwards.
Start with feed shoulder - width apart, hands clasped in front of chest or arms extended straight out (A).
Fold the upper body over the left leg, then swiftly rise up into Wild Thing pose, bending the body back so deeply that the arm extends straight behind your head and the left leg and right thigh rise off the ground.
You can do the rear delt row in a number of ways, but the main goal is to start with your arms extending straight in front of you and pulling the weight back in a rowing movement.
Start laying down with the kettlebell in your right hand, right arm extended straight up towards the ceiling.

Not exact matches

Roll up 4 counts, hold at the top, extend your arms forward, legs straight or bent in a table top position.
Those trainers, doctors, consultants, and spotters are all looking for observable concussion symptoms: things like clumsy movement, loss of consciousness, or the fencing response, which is when a player involuntarily extends his arms straight out after suffering a brain injury.
«If you touch your fingertips to your forehead above one eye and then extend your arm straight out,» he says, «your hand will appear to descend toward the center of your field of vision.
Test your balance: Extend your right arm straight out in front of you, parallel to the floor, without disturbing your form.
Begin by holding the bar directly overhead with fully extended arms, then lower it down by bending your elbows and go as far as you can, but make sure to keep your neck, back and upper arms straight.
Your triceps are working to draw your elbows toward straight as you extend the left arm to the sky.
Place right hand on right thigh, and extend left arm straight down.
Continue lifting the dumbbells until your arms are extended above you in straight - arm position.
Slowly push the ball away from your body as far as you can, extending the arms almost straight then bringing them close to your chest.
Extend your arms straight forward and out from your body with your wrists flexed, and twist your arms from side to side with your body twisting in the opposite direction.
Test your balance by extending the right arm straight in front of you and parallel to the floor while keeping the form correct.
How to: From a standing position, grab a barbell with a pronated, shoulder - width grip and allow your arms to hang straight down with extended elbows.
Push up until your arms are straight, bend your left leg until kneeling (keep your foot off the floor) and extend your right leg straight back.
Start with the left hand (for right handers) Extend the arm out straight with a slight rotation so your knuckles end up and palms are facing the ground.
Your arm and leg should meet in the middle of your body, with your leg extended straight out from your waist.
With a flat back and engaged core, extend your right arm and left leg straight out so they're parallel with the floor.
Sit up tall with legs extended in front of you and pressed tightly together, arms straight above your head.
How to do it: Stand with feet together, a 3 - to 8 - pound dumbbell in each hand, and extend arms straight out to sides at shoulder height.
From here, the arms extend up (I put my palms together and gaze up because that's traditional in my Ashtanga practice, but the arms can just extend straight up or even out if you have rotator cuff issues) while the shoulder blades draw together and down.
Next, while maintaining your balance, exhale and extend your legs so your body forms a V with your arms reaching straight out.
ADVANCED OPTION: Extend the front arm down to the ground while the top arm shoots straight up.
Extend your arms at your sides in a straight line to form a «T» with your body.
Raise your left arm and punch forward, extending your arm straight out as you punch.
Extend both arms straight forward and parallel to the ground.
Extend arms back to straight and lower the weights down to your sides.
Begin in a straight - arm plank with hands directly below shoulders and legs extended straight out behind you.
When the arms start to extend straight, exhale and lift the hands off the ground, clap, then return to the floor.
Brace your core and engage your abs to lift your hips and knees off the floor, extending the right arm, until your body forms a straight line and the arm is perpendicular to the floor.
Lie on your back with your legs straight and your arms extended at shoulder level.
Extend arms straight up toward ceiling, palms facing in.
Begin in a tall seated position with your legs fully extended and your arms reaching straight to the ceiling.
By engaging your core and squeezing your glutes, lift your hips up as far as possible, pushing the body off the mat and into a bridge position and extend the arms towards the ceiling in a pressing motion until they are fully straight.
As you inhale, draw your belly button toward the spine and engage your lower abs, then extend your right arm and left leg and lift them off the floor until they form a straight line with the rest of your body, keeping the spine neutral.
Jump up as high as you can, keeping your legs wide and extending your arms straight overhead.
Extend arms straight up overhead and jump up (B); as you land, return arms to «A.» Jump up again, this time extending arms straight out in front of you (C).
Lift right leg up, keeping it bent, and extend right arm straight up (A).
To do it, stand up straight with the arms extended on both sides of the body and your feet at shoulder - width apart.
Keep your spine straight and your abs engaged as you draw your opposite arm and leg together, then extend back out.
Kneel, then lean to the left, placing left palm on the floor, extending right arm straight up, and lifting right knee off the floor (A).
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