Sentences with phrase «arms raised above»

The study described pride as «head tilted up, expanded chest, and arms raised above head in fists» and happiness as «smiling broadly.»
Variations: Utkatasana can be performed with the arms horizontal to the ground or with arms raised above along the ears.
Have your arms raised above your shoulders to ultimately decompress your spine, which will stretch the spine fully and possibly longest.
Standing tall, have your right leg extended back with your toe touching the floor and your arms raised above your head.
Dean will be looking at us having to face Che next and he'll see the small difference he can make to our season, when Chelsea score Dean will stand up, arms raised above head, saying «I am the all powerful» with a boner on.
Just like Elevation from the classic acronym, I try to keep my arm raised above my heart when injured.

Not exact matches

Worse, it hurts when he raises his arm above a certain height, and this has forced him to make some small but bothersome alterations in his stance.
First of all, raise their arms above their head.
Yesterday afternoon, I noticed that my left breast was a lot more sore and tender, and I could barely raise my arm above my head without pain.
I raised my arm above my head and slammed it on the bed as hard as I could.
And no need to neglect the arms: Move them out to the sides, then raise them up above her head.
If you do want to breastfeed both babies together then using a breastfeeding cushion (as seen in the image above) will help raise your babies into a more comfortable position for you and can also free up your arms!
Reports state that the armed group beheaded policemen and civilians, raised its flag above the city and burned down buildings.
If, on the other hand, you begin twisting from the ground up, clasping your legs together at the apex of your leap while raising your arms above your head, you will do a rapid 180 - degree turn, which is the object of the exercise.
If you step to one side you see, behind her raised arm, the collar that was hidden before, with its tiny embroidered chick in a sailor suit; if you bend down and look up you see, above the level of the frame, her mother's smiling eyes.
Raise your arms up above your head, then lower your arms back to 90 degrees.
Your torso should lean back slightly so that your core is engaged and tight as you touch the kettlebell down to the floor on your left and then twist to the right as you raise it up above your head until your arms are stretched above you completely.
Strive to give the triceps a good stretch at the bottom position, and then raise the dumbbell again to its starting position above your head at arms» length, while getting a peak contraction.
Start on all fours, with your hands beneath your shoulders; extend your left leg behind you, above your hip, and raise your left arm toward the ceiling.
Raise your arm up and out, turning your hand so that your thumb once again faces the wall and your hand is well above your head.
You can incorporate both version into your shoulder workout by doing lateral raises to arms - parallel at the beginning and adding a few above - parallel sets with lighter weights at the end of the workout.
In her TEDTalk, «Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are,» Cuddy noted, «Power posing, such as raising the arms above the head as when a player scores a touchdown, increases testosterone and decreases cortisol, the stress hormone.
Then, keeping the upper arms in place, rotate them until the wrists come directly above the elbows - Using the traps to pull the weight up and then the rotator cuff muscles to raise the weight over the shoulder, press the dumbbells by extending the elbows and straightening the arms overhead - Slowly return to the original position
Raise the bar above your head and hold it with completely straight arms.
Raise your arms above your shoulders so that they're even with your ears, and have the palms of your hands touch the wall above you at an equal distance away from your head.
Raise your arms out to your sides (keeping your elbows above your wrists at all times) until you reach shoulder height, then lower back down to your sides.
In the same position with your legs on a chair, raise your arms overhead so they touch the ground above your head and your torso and arms form a Y shape with your elbows straight.
-- Slowly raise your right arm above your head, rotating your left toes outward.
Pause in lunge position, raise same arm as outside leg to press weight above head, and lower.
While in the air, raise both your arms above your head and slightly part your legs.
Raise your arms to about 90 degrees or a little above 90 degrees.
You can stay here or if you want a little bit more on inhalation you can gently twist to one side (remember to alternate side once your have finished the first side) or you can raise your arms above the head.
Complete the move by sitting up tall, simultaneously raising both arms above the head.
Raise both arms up above you so they are pointed toward the ceiling.
You can keep yourself honest with the form by raising your arms above your head for each jump.
With a dumbbell in each hand raise your arms up to the ceiling so that your fists hover above your chest.
Start just higher than your lower back, roll upwards while raising your arms above your head.
If you are unable to touch the bench and put your arms on it, you have to raise your hips to about few inches above from the ground.
Because they are relatively small but incredible dense, almost any natural movement — twisting your body, raising your hands above your head, swinging your arms — can be enhanced and turned into a serious exercise with the addition of a kettlebell.
The athlete holds one end of a resistance band starting with the arm raised out to the side above shoulder height.
At the same time, and keeping your arms and legs nearly straight, raise both your arms and legs until they touch above the bench.
Don't raise your arms above shoulder level and be careful not to arch your back when raising the dumbbells.
Take a deep breath and raise the bar to above the chest with arms extended, exhaling while you push upward and aiming consistently at the same spot on the ceiling.
Standing in Mountain Pose raise your arms up above your head and then dive forward to touch your toes with your hands.
Raise your arms straight above your head, making sure that you keep your shoulders relaxed.
Keeping your arms straight, raise your left arm above your head and hold for 3 counts, then return to chest height.
Begin to raise the belt above the head and guide it behind as the chest opens with the arms behind you.
Moreover, there are athletes who can not raise their arms above their head without putting their ribs out or they can not move their hips without moving their lower back muscles.
Establish balance by bending slightly in the left leg as you slowly raise your arms upwards and above your head.
Take a deep breath in, and as you do so, raise your arms out to the sides until they are above your head pointed to the sky.
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