Sentences with word «aromatisation»

Aromatase inhibiting drugs (Arimidex) have been traditionally used to treat women with estrogen dependent breast cancers, as estrogens are produced in fat cells via these enzymes in a process called aromatisation.
In these cases where an excess of aromatisation exists the use of an aromatase inhibitor can help obtain a healthy estrogen: testosterone balance.
However in cases where low testosterone levels are not related to excessive aromatisation the use of aromatase inhibitors on their own are of little benefit.
One reason is probably because fat cells are where aromatisation happens.
Post menopausal hypothyroid women tend to continue to produce estrogen through the aromatisation pathway.
The resultant imbalance of the bodies hormonal homeostasis can result in fat gain, fertility issues, aromatisation (conversion of testosterone to oestrogen), anxiety and has also been linked with cancer formation.
Fatty tissue as well as muscles can convert the androgens to a form of oestrogen called oestrone by a process called «aromatisation».
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