Sentences with phrase «around alcohol»

These changes in the brain also cause people to change their behaviors around alcohol.
I was sloppy in my practice of food, inconsistent in the effort I put in daily and weak in my choices around alcohol and harmful substances.
The locals get creative with ways to carry around their alcohol.
An alcoholic who is still drinking revolves around alcohol as thoroughly as any zealot revolves around any deity you can think of.
Consciously or subconsciously, I was literally planning my schedule around alcohol.
Launching that group made her realize how rare it was for young professionals to partake in healthy hobbies (i.e., those not based around alcohol).
Trying to change your habits around alcohol with medicines or supplements alone is a fool's errand.
There are the awkward pauses and long stares between Mikael and Ana, and Chris shows himself to be trouble around alcohol, causing a scene at a party celebrating a gift of battleships from Germany to the Ottoman government.
You CAN be an alcoholic attorney without having a calendar obsessively organized around alcohol.
Displaying posters from Mothers Against Drinking and Driving (MADD), Students Against Drinking and Driving (SADD) or similar organizations, outside and around alcohol consumption areas.
Krankel and Hines describe crafting a game around alcohol as threading a needle.
The Alcohol Education Trust is a small charity working across England helping ensure that teachers, carers and parents can help and support teenagers to stay safe around alcohol and reduce risk taking.
Our school wanted to develop guidelines around alcohol and other drugs and also to plan across the year levels a comprehensive drug education program.»
As a major international conference is taking shape, we consider how a global perspective can find ways to tackle issues around alcohol
How many meetings are you scheduling around alcohol?
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