Sentences with phrase «around children of different ages»

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Convertible seats are the only type of seats that are placed in different positions depending on a child's age: They face toward the rear until a baby is ready to face forward, when they can be turned around and «converted» to a forward - facing seat.
Not only is being a parent of children around the same age, but also, you know the different things that come up with breastfeeding, different questions that they have.
It gives parents instant access to questions around helping their children process the separation (at different ages) and troubleshoots a number of common situations that come up for couples making this transition, in an amicable way or not.
Most children transition around the age of one year, but each baby has different needs and your pediatrician can give you the go - ahead to make the switch.
While there were no significant differences in body composition across the different dosage groups, the researchers found children who had vitamin D stores above the threshold recommended by the Canadian Paediatric Society (CPS) averaged around 450 grams less body fat at 3 years of age.
Then, around the age of two, children become increasingly aware that others experience mental states that are different from their own.
Domestic violence among the low income couples who would be targeted for the healthy marriage initiative is very rare.In fact, only 2 percent experience domestic violence.Critics of the healthy marriage initiative often cite statistics showing that a high percent of middle - aged welfare mothers have suffered domestic violence at some point in the past.These figures are irrelevant for two reasons.First, the healthy marriage initiative will focus on younger women around the time of a child's birth, not older mothers with a long history of welfare dependence.The domestic violence rates are very different for these two groups.Second, the fact a woman has experienced domestic violence in the past does not mean she is experiencing violence in a current relationship, or that most prior relationships have involved violence.
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