Sentences with phrase «around galactic centers»

The clusters are tight knots of hundreds of thousands to millions of stars that orbit around galactic centers like moths around a streetlamp.
The study appears to vindicate predictions from theorists such as Mark Morris, an astrophysicist at the University of California, Los Angeles, who in 1993 penned a key paper predicting tens of thousands of stellar - mass black holes would form a disk around the galactic center.
As our solar system slowly orbits around the galactic center, the sun's ultraviolet radiation carves out an egg - shaped region of ionized hydrogen atoms surrounded by neutral hydrogen gas.
Portegies Zwart says the best place to look is in the plane of the galaxy, in the constellations of Vela and Cygnus, along the sun's trajectory around the galactic center.
Among other sources of such radiation, scientists have proposed that interactions between bits of dark matter (which make up a large fraction of the universe's mass but haven't yet been directly detected) in a halo around the galactic center may be creating the surplus gamma rays.
Stars richer in elements heavier than hydrogen and helium have less disordered motions, but are orbiting around the galactic center faster than older stars that are deficient in heavier elements.
«People have been trying to find a pulsar around the galactic center for decades,» Falcke notes.
Hooper and his colleagues conclude that annihilations of dark matter particles with a mass between 31 and 40 GeV provide a remarkable fit for the excess based on its gamma - ray spectrum, its symmetry around the galactic center, and its overall brightness.
In some simulations, the stars spread along a full orbit around the galactic center.
Although the cluster dissolved over the past 4.6 billion years with the dispersal of the Sun's sibling stars into the surrounding the Milky Way, the stars should have remained on a similar orbit around the galactic center.

Not exact matches

Our black hole's violent meeting with G2 began last year, and as it continues, it should give astronomers a chance to peer inside the galactic center — the neighborhood around the black hole — rather than just simulate the swirling disc of gas and dust surrounding it.
«I had heard there was this trouble understanding the so - called galactic rotation curves, which describe the way stars rotate around the centers of galaxies,» he says.
The comparison clearly showed that the observed rotation can not be explained unless large amounts of dark matter exist around us, and between us and the galactic center.
«Roughly speaking, our galaxy looks like a pizza pie with an orange in the center — that's the galactic bulge — and then there is a very tenuous halo around the pie,» he explains.
Years of infrared observations have shown a handful of stars at our galactic center whipping around an invisible object with a strong gravitational tug.
In addition, these stars are not orbiting the galactic center inside the Milky Way's spiral arms like the Sun, but they originate from the spherical Galactic halo that surrounds the Milky Way's main disk, while briefly intersecting it in their long, elliptical orbits around the center.
However, the stars will be thrown into different orbits around the new galactic center.
Another idea floating around is that FRBs are emitted by active galactic nuclei, or AGNs — superluminous regions at the centers of some galaxies.
Not only do the types of stars differ in many ways from what we can see in our serene nighttime sky from Earth, but the stars at the galactic center are also not behaving like the stars around us.
This means stars orbiting around a galaxy should feel less gravitational pull — and orbit more slowly — the farther they are from the galactic center.
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