Sentences with phrase «around ideas of the self»

Before we jump into playing the Flagellant, the first thing you'll need to keep in mind regarding this new hero class is that he centers around the idea of self - mutilation.
2.05 pm An in - conversation between artist Erica Scourti and writer Paul Clinton focussed around ideas of the self, identities, fiction, and stupidity in a fully mediated world, including works introduced by Erica Scourti.

Not exact matches

Ideas around the non-monetary aspects of employment in providing a self - image for people, giving them standing in the community, a sense of personal worth, a role as family provider, a network of peers, and way of life are not part of the economics curriculum, so can be assumed not to matter.
Why, asks John Leo in U.S. News & World Report, is his own constituency so willing to bring him down with protests, disrupted basketball games, and boycotts, when Pres. Lawrence worked so hard to make Rutgers a campus that «bristles with the enforcement tools of diversity: a speech code, real courses replaced by «multicultural curricular change,» diversity awareness «training» in lectures and freshman orientation sessions, a tolerance for ethnic and racial segregation in dorms («a self - affirming environment,» as Lawrence puts it), and professors who learn not to raise unapproved ideas about race, gender, and the campus power system built around multiculturalism»?
Your base, hate - mongering language against a self - confessed former lawbreaker who turned his life around 4o years ago demonstrates the Great Hypocricy of the Left: Demand tolerance for views with which you agree while denigrating not only the ideas but also the people with whom you do not.
And to be clear, in moving toward more awareness around what it means to guide my children toward solving their own problems, I'm not endorsing the idea of teaching babies to «self - soothe» with Cry - It - Out.
Rick's a self - proclaimed «paleo - conservative» and I'm a bit of a Lefty, but we always have great time tossing ideas around.
Sherman, a self - described romance nut who is a devoted husband and father of three, gave his take on the idea that vasopressin treatments might someday be used on humans — maybe via nasal spray — to encourage commitment - phobes to stick around: «I think if you have to snort hormones to be committed, it's probably not the right person.»
In the May article «The Truth About Invasive Species,» Alan Burdick dismisses the impact of introduced species with the contention that «fifty years of research by invasion biologists around the world has failed to confirm it,» suggesting that all changes and impacts wrought by invaders merely threaten «our self - serving ideas of what nature is supposed to be.»
By segregating the movie into three separates character portions, he allows the film to move at a brisk pace while keeping important items connected around the idea of suicide and what drives humans towards these self destructive actions.
Each Dylan tune, whether performed on film or floating around on the soundtrack, gives lie to the idea that Masked and Anonymous is the cinematic translation of a Dylan song: the man's music is driven by ideas and passion, while the film seems driven mainly by pretension and self - consciousness.
However, as we all know, the school culture must be set around self - improvement and developing others, not just about creating schemes of work, marking, writing reports and data entry / analysis, otherwise the additional energy will be wasted on «spinning the hamster» wheel, not generating new ideas and improving opportunities for all.
Also a retreat leader focused on mindfulness for leaders, self - compassion and permissioning in leadership and social action, Kirsten was a founding board member of the Institute for Democratic Education in America (IDEA), a national not - for - profit organizing educational leaders, teachers, students, and parents around a vision for education founded in greater equity, social justice, compassion and passionate learning.
From the internationally best - selling author of The Reader, here is a collection of stories that weave themselves around the idea of love — love to seek and love to flee; love as desire, as guilt, as confusion or self - betrayal; love as habit, as affair, and as life - changing rebellion.
He was so self - involved and so wrapped around the idea that everything that happened to Hannah was God's way of punishing him, that he failed to truly see what had happened to Hannah.
A collection of stories that weave themselves around the idea of love — love to seek and love to flee; love as desire, as guilt, as confusion or self - betrayal; love as habit, as affair, and as life - changing rebellion.
Ashlock and Chromy began conferring on their idea of an agency - managed collective of self - publishing authors — of «fiction from the bleeding edge» — around the time of BookExpo America (BEA) 2012, roughly June of that year.
IMO, the conversation on self pub revolves too often around the platforms and methodologies of publishing, and not enough around the sharing of game changing ideas.
The idea of being able carry my entire library around with me simply appealed to my nerdy self in a way print couldn't.
Most of the authors I work with — even most of those I publish — pursue traditional as a first choice, and then come around to the idea of self - publishing.
I was playing around the other day with the idea that Final Fantasy has entered its Baroque period - if the golden age glory of VI - IX represents the series at its zenith (some people would include X in there, but I couldn't stand that game), then X-XIII represents the series getting pointlessly complicated and self - congratulatory, to the point of alienating its audience.
Of course it's about «exploring issues which affect us all... around ageing, memento mori, the transience of life,» and «themes around gender, masquerade, performance and the idea of the self.&raquOf course it's about «exploring issues which affect us all... around ageing, memento mori, the transience of life,» and «themes around gender, masquerade, performance and the idea of the self.&raquof life,» and «themes around gender, masquerade, performance and the idea of the self.&raquof the self
The series of four photographs by Adamantios Kafetzis is built around the idea of the recreation of the self in a foreign environment.
The inaugural issue, the yearbook for 2014/2015, consists of 240 pages, no adverts, no curatorial self - fulfilment, only the contributing artists» thoughts, visions and ideas, offering original and credible insights into art scenes around the world.
Confronting the natural world with a synthetic dream - like version of its self, these paintings decontextualize our understanding of traditionally perceived ideas around the sublime.
Yet while I appreciate the proliferation of blog posts, videos, and books about locavore diets and backyard farming they have, I fear, created a certain ethic around self - sufficiency and the idea of returning to the hard, honest task of working the soil.
These are just a few ideas for the traveler in you, but keep in mind that a lot of skills make you a good candidate for a self - sustained trip around the globe.
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