Sentences with phrase «around my daughter until»

Not exact matches

I am a young mother who doesn't know all the great tricks and my husband has never been around kids until our daughter!
Luckily, the second time around, I was able to wait until my daughter was 2m 3w before I had to go back to work.
My son co-slept off and on in our bed, but he liked being in the bassinet (our daughter was very, very, veryveryveryvery clingy), until he was probably around 6 months before we moved him to his crib in his room because he was just getting too long for the bassinet.
My 6 month old daughter typically goes to bed at 6:30 pm, wakes for one bottle around 4 am and then goes back to sleep until about 7:30 am.
My daughter naps from 7:30 PM until I get home from work, around 9:00 PM.
I remember my daughter slept so well with her pacifier and then she became old enough to move around and that's when she'd lose it and cry until she got it back.
But nursing the second time around also had its challenges because her daughter had a lip and tongue tie that wasn't revised until 4 months.
I didn't do it until my daughter was around 2 months old, but considering the fact I breastfed for 2 years, I really can't complain about getting up so many times during the night.
Right now my daughter nurses around 8:15 / 8:30 pm and in bed and asleep by 9:30 (with a few times of shhhhing and patting) and then wakes around 1:30 / 2:30 am and then not again until around 6:30 am.
The younger daughter I successfully fed until she self weaned, at around nine months.
My mom let her stay up an hour past her usual bedtime, so my husband and I drove around until my mom texted us that our daughter was asleep and we could come in.
My best friend's daughter wasn't having any of it until she was around 7 months!
My daughter wasn't really interested in solids until around 10 - 11 months.
With My daughter it began around 8 weeks and lasted until 16 weeks.
It's not until nearly halfway through the movie that George enters a homeless shelter and begins to accept his situation as well as the realities of how much he can expected from those around him, including his estranged daughter (Jena Malone).
Her daughter had a friend over and they were talking and laughing loudly until around 10:30 PM.
Also, press reports indicate that the lump sum involved is «only» around # 20m, with a further # 2.5 m per annum until Beatrice (the McCartneys» daughter) reaches adulthood.
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