Sentences with phrase «around one's ideas»

The community is built around the idea of creating a neighborhood, not just building homes.
Some of us have models built around the idea of working with extreme at - risk populations.
In fact, basic driving education of the driving revolves around the idea of getting into the real deal of the game — that is teaching on how to pass the driving tests.
That's when I started tossing around the idea of supplementing with formula.
I've been kicking around the idea for awhile and wasn't sure what to do.
To help you get your head around the idea of game mechanics, we've pulled together a handy list.
Probably for good reason, the past year saw a lot of games centered around the idea of survival.
When you begin tossing around ideas for your startup, don't just limit yourself to apps.
When you're throwing around ideas for names, logos and colour schemes, don't commit to anything until you've lived with it for a while.
It was designed around the idea of planning land use efficiently from the beginning and ensuring that those land uses respected the needs of the community and allowed for convenient mixed - use development.
Once I wrapped my mind around the idea of giving up bread and eating more butter, it was easy to make the change.
On the web, they come together to laugh and bat around ideas.
We started bouncing around ideas and went to test the look of the film and how to treat the color and skin tones.
Instead, I want to explain why fiscal conservatives should rally around this idea as a way to hold down taxes.
This piece was created around the idea of bringing together the china of three different generations of a family.
The first is the famous protein myth, which centres around the idea that without meat in their regular diet vegans and vegetarians are bound to be protein deficient.
For quite awhile I've been tossing around ideas in my head, but sometimes feeling a little overwhelmed with how I was going to accomplish all that we wanted and needed to do.
Because that means that the nation is being developed around their ideas and that should excite them.
It's a powerful way to help people unite around ideas that matter to them, and together make them come to life.
I'd been kicking around the idea about a possible addition to my home.
People can experience an incredible sense of community around an idea.
An invisible enemy that can not be physically identified, so they are free to rally their people around their ideas of hatred, with an unseen evil.
The structure of the book is organized around the idea of time travel.
If you still can't get around the idea of eating bugs raw (and we don't blame you for that), there are other ways for their consumption.
Students are responsible for facilitating their group discussion around the ideas in the text; they shouldn't use the discussion to assert their opinions or prove an argument.
The beta versions of these pages, which are now open to the viewing public, are built around these ideas with features that make the task of researching a discount brokerage much simpler.
For years I've been dancing around the idea of offering author websites.
It's software that allows people to come together around an idea or topic of interest.
You can always find some buzz around the idea that a resume should never be longer than one page.
I bring it up because I think they were formed around the idea that it was only once you'd gone through this sort of experience that you «got it».
I adore that you can fill it with anything your heart desires, and it's not just for the holidays, this is an all year around idea.
Either way I give too much thought to my projects and just when I have my head wrapped around an idea, some other idea comes along.
That's certainly one way to turn around the idea that there's no reason to buy your company's console.
I certainly am not going to live my life around the idea that there was a big bang.
This process was framed around the idea of Design Thinking.
There is a lot of research circulating around the idea that fasting during a portion of your day can lead to an increased lifespan.
I believe the answer is yes — and that we'll start seeing business models (both for - profit and not - for - profit) emerge and evolve around this idea.
The other key element is that it helps the author start conversations around the ideas / story of the book.
Once I have a concept, I then sit down to formulate a book or story around that idea.
A lot of your photography plays around the idea that images should not lead viewers to any conclusion, but rather be a way to explore their feelings.
It was a small but intimate and vocal group and we had some great discussions all around the idea of the value of questions.
But gratitude lifts our emotions, connecting our heads and hearts around the idea that life is good.
It's hard not to have some baggage around this idea of Scripture informing my prayers.
In today's business world, many companies exist around the idea that profit is the sole reason for existence, and that employees are a means to that end.
Look out for a development around this idea in the future.
On my first walk through both shows, the word potential rolls around my ideas.
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