Sentences with phrase «around one's period»

These practices help farmers work around periods of heat and water scarcity.
Schedule in a little extra sleep around the period time.
It is usually around this period in one's life that major expenses and debt begin to rack up - weddings, first mortgages, etc..
Your symptoms aren't worse around your period or ovulation.
It is usually around this period in one's life that major expenses and debt begin to rack up - weddings, first mortgages, etc..
Work around period features with ingenious and practical solutions.
Doing this makes this next part easier: Rest around your period.
What it feels like: The tip - off is severe pelvic pain around your period, since the excess tissue in your pelvis also sheds monthly.
They've become a team whose constant familiar failings are now routine around this period of a season.
Get relief: If you suffer from recurrent infections around your period, your doc will assume a pH imbalance is the cause and can prescribe hormonal birth control to help level things out.
Also, because levels tend to dip around your period, women need to be especially on top of covering their bases.
If you suffer from heavy, painful periods, bloating, and mood swings around your period, you may have a condition called estrogen dominance.
I am always amazed at how many of us struggle with similar issues around our periods.
If you find you have breast tenderness, water retention and weight gain right around your period, this could mean you have estrogen dominance.
The second limitation revolves around the period of driving.
Around this period of a child's development is when many parents include a weaning table and a chair in child's environment.
Speak to your doc if you notice any of the following: red or scaling skin on your breast; a change in skin texture (for example, larger pores); tender nipples that don't occur around your period; swelling or shrinking on one side of the breast; a nipple that turns inward; or spontaneous nipple discharge (if you're not breastfeeding or pregnant).
Becky Hipkiss, Education Manager at betty for schools, said: «We know the value of exercise for our bodies and our minds — at all ages — and it's really worrying that so many girls are finding that the weight of taboo around periods prevents them from participating in sports.»
Know that this is normal, but if it becomes a big problem (or you notice you're fall - prone during the entire month, not just around your period), get checked out by your doctor to rule out something more serious, like a neurological problem.
This movie is a mashup of «The Da Vinci Code» and «The Matrix» that may well be a fun framework for a video game in which you skulk around period settings murdering people, but in a feature film adaptation could not possibly be less interesting.
Due to the fact that the cosmic ray flux is the «clock» used to exposure date meteorites, the meteoritic ages are predicted to cluster around periods when the «clock» ticks slower, which is when the cosmic ray flux was lowest, as is seen in the data.
When the dopaminergic control function collapses, serious mental illnesses such as schizophrenia, depression or attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can result that usually start around the period of transition to adulthood.
The amount of staff that take holidays in December also decreases the amount of job hunting activity around this period, therefore increasing the amount in January and February.
The clay fragment was discovered during an excavation of a tower built around the period of King Solomon, near the southern wall of the Old City of Jerusalem, The Hebrew University announced in a press release.
«After 20 minutes I thought it was going nice and easy, but then I started to worry around that period of the game when Arteta and Santi Cazorla slowed it down and a leisurely, horrible slowness crept into their play.
He was captured for # 8.5 million and although higher fees were paid for some other players around that period, Rodgers» spend did average out at around $ 10m per player.
Not satisfied, the committee veered into what the organisation did with N2 billion that was in the corporations coffers around the period under review.
During the milling around period before the debate started, an operative from the Teachout campaign approached me (as moderator) to ask whether «audience participation» would be allowed.
Yet something did crash into the Pacific Ocean around the period in question.
Earlier this year, Hough told Health that she originally thought the «really, really sharp» pelvic pain she experienced around her period was just bad PMS.
Now, amplify that hundredfold, and you have a better idea of what it's like to deal with endometriosis around your period.
Although not cited by Karmel, it is important to note that Kazimir Malevich and Naum Gabo also began exploring the corner around this period with Malevich hanging his painting «Black Square,» 1915 across a top corner space in the seminal 1915 - 16 exhibition «The Last Futurist Exhibition: 0, 10» in St. Petersburg, Russia.
Around 50 % of women say that they get migraines around their period.
Basically, you need to time your carb intake around periods of activity so you can make full use of their energizing effect.
And my acne went from a pimple here and there around my period to full on cystic on my chin / jaw / back.
For just over 2 years, while using the micronutrient, she had no ADHD or mood symptoms, other than a mild increase around her period.
And then around my period it would get worse and my skin would just look blemish - y and just unhealthy.
When emotional changes that come around period time start to disrupt your life, you may be dealing with Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder.
If you have a symptom around period time, month after month, it's probably PMS.
If you have some discomforts going on around period time, read on to find out what you can try before heading to the doctor treatment.
First things first, chin breakouts are hormonal so may continue to happen particularly around your period but you can help keep them at bay by using an exfoliating serum like glycolic acid serum or Biologique Recherche PW50.
Like many films made around this period, there is a slice - of - life attitude, showing you the ups and down of the work place, never really in a hurry to get to the main point.
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