Sentences with phrase «around one's sun»

Gravity holds the planets in orbit around the sun.
Everything revolves around the earth — > becomes the earth revolves around the sun!
Such evidence proves common ancestry with a level of certainty comparable to the evidence that the earth goes around the sun.
It is evident that the world rotate around the sun 365 days a year.
One day the sun travels around the earth, the next the earth travels around the sun.
And that's all fine and well and good and the world will continue on its tedious path around the sun.
Then there are many cycles of earth rotation around the sun and on its own axis.
You can position yourself outside our solar system and watch the planets zip around the sun as if the universe were running on fast - forward.
It took a trip around the world to observe the bending of light around the sun during an eclipse to prove his theory.
The slower - acting factors are the earth's orbital movements around the sun and the expansion and retreat of the polar ice caps.
I was shocked when I looked up and there was a rainbow in a perfect circle around the sun.
But it only takes 225 days to go around the sun because it's so close to it.
Signs of planet detected around sun's nearest neighbor star.
Some of these are probably just a few meters across; none have survived their sweep around the sun.
The area around the sun roof dial has come off, and the dash has developed a sticky feel.
This sort material around the sun shade dating online to going on, plus joined an service.
After all, didn't the idea that the earth actually revolves around the sun seem totally ridiculous and unacceptable in the past?
A look at the universe and all its wonders — from our neighborhood around the sun to the most distant galaxy, and beyond.
This graphic shows where a planet can be habitable and warm around our sun, as it ages over billions of years.
For one thing, it traces a long, oval - shaped route around the sun, rather than a nearly circular orbit.
But it gave me courage, knowing you get one ride around the sun.
Having a permanent position for your home allows you to design your home around the sun and generate energy through solar power.
In fact, it would take this new planet between 10,000 and 20,000 years to make just one full orbit around the sun.
That the earth revolves around the sun is pretty well accepted, or so it seems to us.
My body and soul have completed one more trip around the sun.
Once upon a time, people like you said you can not be Catholic, and believe the earth goes around the sun.
By the time this rotation around the sun is over, you will be be a big girl all ready to go to school.
I realized that with each new laugh line and circle around the sun, I've gotten a bit wiser.
And when you consider that the Milky Way galaxy is moving toward the Andromeda galaxy at a speed of about 150,000 mph, and the earth is moving around the sun at a speed of about 70,000 mph, what this means is that when you were a child and your mother told you to «Sit still» you were still moving at a rate of about 670,000 mph.
It completes an orbit around the Sun in about 12 Earth years.
Since my girlfriend went gluten - free earlier this year, at my encouragement, I knew this dessert would be a healthy, fun and still very special way to honor another completed revolution around the sun for us.
«There are plenty of reasons to be optimistic that we will find hints of extraterrestrial life within the next few decades, just maybe not on an Earth - like planet around a Sun - like star.»
Like precipitation, stars appear in false places in the sky — in this case, because of Earth's motion around the sun at 67,000 miles per hour.
Planets in the solar system move in elliptical orbits that gradually rotate as each planet journeys around the sun.
Now, to find out how the glaciers formed in the first place, scientists created models that simulated atmospheric circulation on the dwarf planet for the last 50,000 years (a mere 200 orbits around the sun for Pluto).
Many of the scientific questions researchers are after have to do with a big doughnut of space around the sun observable only during a total eclipse.
The object loops around the sun on a highly elliptical path that takes more than 1,100 Earth years to complete; it's currently about 92 astronomical units (AU) from the sun but comes as close as 38 AU and gets as far away as 180 AU.
In less time than it takes to travel once around the sun, these charismatic preachers went home to the Bible belt, and their parting shot?
12 Galileo was forced to recant his theory that Earth revolves around the sun on the summer solstice of 1633.
Among other things, giant cell circulation helps transport energy from the sun's polar regions to its equator, where material rotates around the sun about 10 days faster than it does near the poles.
But when Comet ISON swings around the sun in late November, amateurs and professionals alike will be watching in anticipation.
For ballistic capture, the spacecraft cruises a bit slower than Mars itself as the planet runs its orbital lap around the sun.
The object around the star 51 Pegasi appeared to be 150 times the size of Earth, yet had an orbit tighter than the path of Mercury around the sun.
I just began my seventieth circuit around the sun where, in retirement, I'm enjoying the companionship of my wife of 39 years and our 29 - year old son.
MAUNAKEA, Hawaii — A team of astronomers discovered a Jupiter - like planet within a young system that could serve as a decoder ring for understanding how planets formed around our sun.
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