Sentences with phrase «around room»

«Look around this room,» Cuomo told those at the inaugural of Errol Toulon Jr. «We're all from different places.
If you look around this room, how many African Caribbean and Asian people are there?
PLATTSBURGH As people began trickling into the Plattsburgh Public Library, Dylan Ratigan darted around the room shaking hands.
Wet clothes hang up to dry all around the room.
This is just what I was looking for to use when I'm out for a little privacy but also it helps feeding as my baby can concentrate instead of looking around the room.
This gets passed around the room and each guest must stick their hand in and guess what is in the bag without looking in.
Just chatting with the teacher about the day ahead and looking around the room with your child can ease the transition.
I know the mom to be will have a changing table but it's nice to have an additional pad to lay down for the huge messes, or if you are moving your basket around the room or house.
These are stationary classes, meaning you meet in the same space each week and your babies are typically not moving around the room space much.
I was looking around the room and watching them hold and pass the very same candle that was burning right beside me as I labored.
As long as there are not any specific concerns or restrictions, the hospital staff should let you walk around your room or the hospital floor.
Water that is right around room temperature is perfect.
she loves to stand up, and is stating to hold on to the bed to walk around the room.
We make sure that when I put him in his crib, that I comfort him, kiss him, rub his back and show him animals on his crib sheet or just things around his room.
Most of them have a hood that detaches and they sit upon a frame with wheels so they can be moved around a room easily.
If breastfeeding isn't an option, try to distract your baby as soon as the shots are over by rocking him, talking or singing to him, or even dancing him around the room.
If its getting pretty bad I go back to deep shushing sounds, burping and rocking / or walking a little around the room.
Don't let the movies scare you, though: most of early labor consists of milder contractions with plenty of time between them for breathing, relaxing, wandering around the room, or arguing over baby names with your partner.
Elle wanted lots of hot pink of course, polka dots, and scattered elements of Minnie Mouse around the room.
That person has to repeat the tip by whispering it into the next guest's ear, and so on around the room.
Look around each room and examine it for anything sharp, hot, small, toxic or dangling.
Get down on your hands and knees and crawl around the room to identify potential dangers for crawling infants.
You can even move furniture closer together to let them move around a room safely.
I mean we look around the room where you are and everyone is breastfeeding and so we forget those that in the State of California by the time you are three and four months out of delivery, very, you know, less than half of the population is actually breastfeeding.
A child's desire to play and roam around the room increases as a child's mobility and curiosity increases.
All these sort of things they could just gauge just by checking around the room and they thought that would have been incredibly helpful.
Chase him or her around the room and act as though you are those animals, complete with squeaks and meows.
At the beginning of every class Deb goes around the room asking everybody how they feel and if they have anything they want to work on (i.e. stretching, back pain, sciatica, etc.)- she really gets you to connect with your body, your baby and with the people around you.
When asking your child to pick up toys, you'll make a much stronger impression if you've put away your own belongings rather than leaving your stuff strewn around the room.
Your child will initially use furniture to pull herself to a standing position before she starts cruising around the room.
The next day, when the audiologist came back, she looked around the room, and asked us to place our mylar balloons in the hall.
This may mean allowing your child to make a mess or throw these items around the room as he or she gets used to what they are and what they're used for.
Let's start this week's conversation about baby names and baby name remorse by going around the room and meeting everyone whose here.
It's probably obvious that your baby can see better now than she once did, as she follows you around the room and watches you.
She may also start to crawl or bum - shuffle, opening up a wider world to explore; try putting toys a little further away to get her moving around the room more.
«At the baby shower she hosted, my mother - in - law hung a ton, and I mean a ton, of baby clothes — from newborn all the way up to 2T — around the room as part of the decorations!
I always paired this technique with holding my baby up on my shoulder while gently bouncing and walking around the room.
Available in two different colors, this crib incorporates an acrylic, see - through front panel that allows babies to look around the room while they're resting inside.
While you and your child march around the room beating a drum, you can also chat with some of the other moms and dads in the class and arrange coffee dates, playdates, and birthday parties.
Variation: Once your baby starts walking, she can crawl into your lap as the caterpillar ready to make a cocoon, then stand up and «fly» out of your lap when she's a butterfly, continuing to wave her arms as she moves around the room.
I remember it taking forever for our daughter to pee the first time on the potty — I resorted to making up a song (complete with Mommy singing the majority of the song, marching around the room and our daughter responding with the last word) to relax her / occupy her while we waited.
How well does the camera pan around the room?
We were tired of sleeping with blasting white noise, of having tip top around our room at night and read by flashlight, so we made the decision to put her in the hallway right outside of our bedroom.
A rotating high chair, however, can be really functional as it allows both babies and toddlers to look around the room and have a 360 degrees view.
Since he was born, he has either wanted to be held and rocked while sleeping (preferably walking around the room and rocking him vigorously) or his own space completely.
Gate his room, stay around his room or sit in the hallway.
For example, feed your baby at her regular times but gradually shorten the feedings by a minute at a time, or have your partner walk her around the room instead of feeding to soothe her.
If he discovers them on his crawl around the room and you're turned away for just a second, he could pop them in his mouth and start choking.
I paced desperately around the room with teary, bloodshot eyes, my mind adrift in a sea of «should's» and «should not's.»
This will avoid your crib from running around your room or other places without control.
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