Sentences with phrase «around sleep deprivation»

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There's a couple reasons for this: after massive sleep deprivation and zero separation between work and personal life, taking a step back often reminds a founder of the things that they want in their personal life and gives motivation to the work life and while in a lull this can upset investors or look like avoidance, its in almost every case helped the company and lets be honest, if a company is going to die it isn't going to die in one week but be surprised at how much sleep a founder might need and you probably wouldn't want many friends around.
I've gotten a total number of 10 hours of sleep the last two nights (maaaaan, sleep deprivation has been a recurring theme around here, hasn't it?)
Chronic sleep deprivation is nothing to casually screw around with, and I think that actually goes double for the primary caretakers of small children and our charges.
Sleep deprivation is linked to learning disorders and depression, not the other way around!
Everyone expects sleep deprivation during the newborn phase, but even after your baby starts sleeping through the night (which, in my experience, happens around three months for about three weeks and then goes to pot once teething starts) you won't sleep the same as you did pre-kids.
-- Flat nipples (what was left of them, that is)-- All those pretty BF - ing brochures skipped neatly around the fact that I would be the one to carry ALL of the sleep deprivation burden, while my husband would be catching full nights of sleep.
They will be useful not only for making a fool of yourself during those bleary - eyed newborn days of sleep deprivation, but also for engaging your little one during bath time as she sits in the tub and attempts to pick them up while they bob and float around evasively.
My daughters were about 18 months old when I first read Operating Instructions, so we were past the every - three - hour - around - the - clock feedings, the crippling (no, crippling isn't a strong enough word) sleep deprivation, the fierce maternal protectiveness coupled with an absolute unmooring from everything that had ever made me feel secure and confident.
It's not just mums who get the baby blues; experts think up to one in ten dads get post-natal depression, especially when the baby is around three to six months, possibly related to sleep - deprivation.
Somehow, through all the sleep deprivation, I was able to be a good person to all those around me, including myself.
After five months of sleep deprivation, Brooklyn mom Katherine Fichthorn also decided to call the professionals, and for around $ 250 an hour, hired The Dream Team, a group of New York based baby sleep consultants that provide overnight «stay with me» packages and phone services for bone - tired parents.
It's tempting to run around the house doing chores and catching up on admin while your baby is asleep during the day, but resist the temptation to tackle housework and instead combat sleep deprivation by taking the opportunity to catch up on sleep while your baby naps.
Doggedly determined to provide breast milk exclusively for their babies, these moms endure breast and nipple pain, around the clock pumping, sleep deprivation, anxiety, and chronic feelings of inadequacy — all for the sake of doing what's «best» for their babies.
Sleep deprivation is rampant around the world.
Top that with some serious sleep deprivation, turbulent hormones, and the cultural expectations around bonding, bliss, and being «mom enough,» and you've got another kind of rude awakening on your hands — one not precipitated by middle - of - the - night feeding requests.
So is obesity causing sleep deprivation, rather than the other way around?
«Sleep deprivation is a topic fascinating dementia researchers around the world.
In fact, stress and sleep deprivation may fuel each other in a vicious cycle leaving you exhausted by the time the New Year rolls around.
At first this may lead to even more sleep deprivation than normal, but it's the quickest way to retrain your body and brain to embrace sleep when bedtime comes around again.
They're warned about sleep deprivation, feeding around the clock, and diapers that explode across the room.
Mercury accumulation can gradually inhibit the responsiveness of insulin receptors in glycogen stores, fluoride in the pineal gland can cause sleep deprivation, and phthalates can increase inflammation around the bodily cells.
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