Sentences with phrase «around students»

Some of our most popular content revolves around student loan forgiveness.
What learning opportunities are offered to the board to support the work of decision - making around student learning goals?
Another interesting observation revolves around student success in this activity.
Enjoy this experience from a teacher on successful ways to turn around student success.
The conversation that parents have with educators around student achievement qualifies as one of those moments.
The school is small, works around student schedules and uses computer - based learning so students go at their own pace.
Note **: This course changes each year it is taught and is designed around student interests.
There are some school districts that are choosing to set parameters around student engagement.
In the hands of a good teacher, and as part of learning environment built around student needs, it can be transformative.
There are many instances of loan fraud, identity theft, and other criminal activity around student debt.
These findings suggest that teachers need to learn how to design the curriculum around student interests and to differentiate instruction to appeal to all four styles of interest.
«In my experience, the legal community itself tends to rally around these students who are impacted,» she says.
Until recently, the dominant focus of public concern around student loans has been simply how much of it there is, and how rapidly it has been growing over time.
The authors describe how this model builds instruction around student - designed projects to increase student engagement, while also providing a structure that ensures student mastery of curriculum standards.
Design lessons and activities around the student's curriculum and focus mainly on study skills and work habits.
The issue around students with a disability is absolutely critical.
Expect to often stop in class and gather around a student as the instructor breaks down a pose.
I strongly agree with the comments you made around students monitoring their own progress.
As a strategy for organizing school and community resources around student success, community schools require knowledge of each specific local context.
Nothing is more important than wrapping support around a student.
Because independent learning skills are a key to success in an online course, we create an infrastructure of people around each student to provide them direct support.
The bottom line with all this work we're doing around student, teacher, parent, and principal voice is we all can and must learn from each other.
Instead, it means that we lead our staff collaboratively to build the school's vision around student achievement.
No wonder universities are now organised around student - satisfaction surveys, and well - being is as likely to be the focus of protest as political demands.
Even text messages to absent students and families saying they are missed helps on this front, as do courses designed around student contributions to classroom discussions.
In recent years the online safety element of this product has grown into a major feature, in response to growing concern around student safety online.
How to use multiple forms of communication — in - person, phone, email, other — to engage with families around student learning and development.
Their experiences might be quite different than our own, and may touch upon race, economic, and gender disparities in the world around them that students encounter every day.
This process affords teachers the opportunity to collaborate around student work and make instructional decisions based on what the work is depicting.
Nobody should be working on developing expertise in isolation; all of us should be working on continually improving teaching and learning practice together with the same goal in mind around student learning.
There is a challenge in schools and districts around student dropout and delayed graduation.
The only way to help students make better student loan decisions is to ensure that they're educated around student loan issues and policies.
There's been a lot of hype around the student loan bubble — the fact that borrowing through student loans has reached over $ 1.2 trillion dollars.
Maintain contact with parents and guardians of students to develop a network of support and communication around each student.
I've had this idea for years to see how I could translate my content around student loans into action.
Though the bill ultimately wasn't passed, we expanded the conversation around student voice in more meaningful school decision - making locally and nationally.
This makes the program flexible, working around a student's busy schedule and home life.
We facilitate student success through a standards - based curriculum, rigorous academics, and diverse after - school activities that are designed around students in a safe and nurturing environment.
Valor Collegiate Academies in Nashville, Tennessee, is championing a social - emotional curriculum centered around students demonstrating mastery of skills.
«We hope this research draws more attention to the importance of teacher collaboration around student instruction.»
GoClass +'s enhanced instructor dashboard captures rich data around student performance and delivers this data in visual, easy - to - use snapshots that inform instruction & help manage tasks.
The purpose of EngagED is to develop a sustainable network of educators from Chico and surrounding communities who represent both charter and non-charter schools to share best practices around student engagement.
The lesson focuses around students locating new businesses based on new information, the information is as follows: Proximity to Customers Cost of Land Infrastructure Competition Skilled / Unskilled Workers All factors as one.
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