Sentences with phrase «around the ankle joint»

Type II is classified as, slight to moderate tear of the ATF; little to no tearing of the PTF, weight bearing is difficult, moderate amount of pain, tenderness and swelling around the ankle joint.
He has a very quiet temperament and doesn't yelp when I touch the paw but does pull away when I touch around the ankle joint.

Not exact matches

Core training will strengthen your inner muscles to prevent injury, especially around your hip, knee and ankle joints.
In the second pull phase, peak hip, knee and ankle joint angular velocities are around 420 — 470, 280 — 400, and 210 — 370 degrees / s, respectively (Gourgoulis et al. 2002; 2009; Akkuş, 2012; Harbili, 2012; Harbili & Alptekin, 2014) and are not affected by the load used (Harbili & Alptekin, 2014) or whether the lift was successful (Gourgoulis et al. 2009).
Your feet will toughen up (though they probably won't grow hair quite like Frodo and Sam), your joints and muscles around your feet and ankles will strengthen, and your knees will deal with less stress.
In order to lift heavier weights, your body will naturally develop strength in areas that are weak, especially around joints like the ankles, knees, hips, lower back and shoulder girdle.
Compared to freshmen, sophomore and juniors exhibited a greater strength in muscles around their ankles, especially those on the inside and outside of the joint.
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