Sentences with phrase «around the hand sanitizer»

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It's good hygiene to cover your mouth when you cough, keep hand sanitizer on hand, don't leave used tissues around, and wipe down the desk, computer keyboard and phone from time to time to help prevent germs from spreading.
It's okay to remind everyone around you to wash their hands before touching baby, but we also suggest keeping plenty of Babyganics Hand Sanitizer in every room — seriously!
The things small children want to do outside, like building mud castles, splashing around in puddles and rolling down hills until their clothes are irreparably grass - stained... all those things that make moms reach for hand sanitizer and laundry detergent — may, in fact, be a grubby little prescription for health and happiness.
Babyganics Alcohol - Free Foaming Hand Sanitizer, Toy & High Chair Wipes and Hand & Face Wipes: When it comes to clean up time, you want something strong enough to clean up food from the high chair, but sensitive enough to be around your baby!
It's good to sanitize hands around baby any time of year, but in the winter when everyone seems to be getting sick it's smart to wash hands more and have more hand sanitizer available.
My son is frantic and starving at this point, so I grit my teeth, park the stroller and walk into the end stall, sit on the toilet, sanitize everything around me with hand sanitizer and start nursing.
Keep sanitizers and clean wipes around you so even if you can not get up to wash your hands, you can at least disinfect them.
My friend who just had a baby carries hand sanitizer around and uses it and asks us to use it whenever we want to touch the baby.
Would this work to use as hand sanitizer to use around new baby??
When flu season rolls around, you're always on top of it, supplying yourself with Vitamin C, hand sanitizer, tissues, cough drops, and flu shots.
- A small fold - up umbrella - Fold - up plastic or cloth bag for grocery shopping - Sunglasses - 1 hat for shade while walking around and sightseeing - Laptop / Tablet / iPad recommended for classwork and personal use - Hand sanitizer - Camera - Neck pillow for travel - Portable charger / battery pack - Water bottle for refilling - Travel journal - Headphones - Laundry detergent packets
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