Sentences with phrase «arrival of the modern human»

«Neanderthals, for example, had lived in Europe and Western Asia for around 200,000 years before the arrival of modern humans.
They are roughly 175,000 years old, which means they easily predate the arrival of modern humans in Europe.

Not exact matches

This supports the theory first advanced several years ago that the arrival of early modern humans in Europe may have stimulated the Neanderthals into copying aspects of their symbolic behaviour in the millennia before they disappeared.
But in Western Europe, I think it was a combination of the arrival of people with superior technology and climate change so the Neandertals were doubly unlucky, because at the time modern humans came into Europe, the climate of Europe was extremely unstable.
Modern humans and Neanderthals therefore lived in roughly the same regions for thousands of years, but the new human arrivals, from the Neanderthal perspective, might not have been welcome, and for good reason.
The rise in the prevalence of all of these conditions parallels the arrival of modern and processed foods, such as refined carbohydrate, in the human diet.
February 14 — June 29, 2014, «No Human Way to Kill» on display at the Mead Art Museum, Massachusetts, as part of New Arrivals: Modern and Contemporary Additions to the Collection
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