Sentences with phrase «art canon»

The phrase "art canon" refers to a collection of artistic works that are considered to be the most important, influential, and historically significant in a particular field or genre. It represents a selection of artworks that are widely recognized and highly regarded as essential references in the world of art. Full definition
An art world upstart, provocative and elusive artist Maurizio Cattelan made his career on playful and subversive works that send up the artistic establishment, until a retrospective at the Guggenheim in 2011 finally solidified his place in the contemporary art canon.
Wiley, as is central to his practice, draws on the historically Eurocentric Western art canon as a point of departure for Trickster.
Says Firstsite Director Sally Shaw: «BRONZE AGE is a very important show for Firstsite in that it shows masterworks from the contemporary and modern art canons alongside ancient antiquities.
Museums have paid little attention to the art form, but «Black Out» aims to broaden the traditional American art canon by placing silhouettes — and their subjects — at the forefront.
Many avant - garde artists needed to create a new visual language by breaking away from art canons, such as perspective in art or the golden ratio rule.
«They didn't fit the narrative, and they were edited out» of the postwar art canon, says Patricia Junker, who curated this large, important show — containing nearly 100 works — and wrote its catalogue essay.
The film is peppered with references to various greatest hits of the liberal arts canon, Kant and Kierkegaard, Dostoyevsky and De Beauvoir, elevating the cloistered, hermetic atmosphere.
(She has featured Jones» work before in numerous group shows that expose how black artists were historically excluded from the abstract art canon.)
And yet, they still call up works from the historical art canon.
Sullivan — also partial to the occasional thrift store rummage — takes a playful handbag swipe at Schnabel as she toys with both the original context, the historically male - centric art canon, and the artist's own persona as young woman full of blond ambition.
MT: Inasmuch that feminist art has been responsible for really asserting non-traditional materials into the fine art canon, my work reflects this shift.
Museum get a big echo in the world of art, since it make people rethink the consequences of exclusively male gaze on women body in the dominant art canon.
Trockel's wool paintings were originally conceived as a riposte to an art critic's comment that situated women's artistic practices outside the established fne art canon and within the domestic realm of arts and crafs.
Robert Smithson's «Spiral Jetty» is arguably the most famous, least experienced work in the earthworks / land art canon.
Paul Cézanne, Henri Matisse, Marcel Duchamp and Piet Mondrian as well as Josef Albers and Hans Hofmann became influential teachers (and eventually American citizens), impacting strongly on the likes of Stuart Davis and many others, who have not necessarily been compared or connected to the European art canon previously.
The artist consistently tests the elasticity of venerable art canons while oscillating between familial memories and the immense gesture of painting and sculpture.
The exhibition includes classics of the contemporary Chinese art canon, such as Wang Guangyi's Mao Zedong: Red Grid # 2 (1988)-- a portrait of Mao in black and white, mysteriously and perhaps subversively behind a red grid.
The focus on pedagogy is important: back in 1991, I examined the mechanism of «Patrilineage» in art canon formation and in art education.
Art history and elements of high and low art are woven into his works, uncovering storylines of black history often ignored by the Western art canon.
In a provocative, witty and nonlinear way, Ganesh disrupts the historically white European - American art canon by interjecting the traditionally missing presence of brown women.
Exploring the very nature of painting, both as a form of a visual language and a vehicle of mere expression, Howard Hodgkin rejected any classical and modern art canons.
On any given weekday, hacker turned artist Cory Arcangel — famous for burning the videogame aesthetic into the contemporary art canon — can be found hunched over a long table in his Brooklyn studio, staring into one of his three massive computer screens.
They didn't talk much about the arts canon (Shakespeare, Beethoven, etc.) or the interpretation of forms and contents (how to understand ancient tragedy, modern dance, etc.).
Capture the Great Barrier Reef's amazing marine life and coral gardens in vivid colour with a state of the art Canon camera, and collect sensational video footage with a hands - free GoPro.
It is surprising that an institution whose innovative curatorial departments have lately acknowledged the diversity of the art canon with exhibitions on Kerry James Marshall, Nasreen Mohamedi and the early modern global textile trade, to name a few, remains so myopic in its hiring at the highest levels of administration.
Valérie Rousseau, curator, Self - Taught Art and Art Brut at the American Folk Art Museum, added in her concluding remarks that the projects led by William S. Arnett «have not only been crucial to the conservation and recognition of artworks that had been left out of the American art canon, but they have been game - changers in pioneering a way forward on how to consider these artists today.
The main focus of her work is female body and its media constructed image, which makes her work fundamentally connected to the core topics of feminism, such as male gaze dominancy in society and visual culture or hetero - patriarchal character of the art canon.
She was collecting the works of Romare Bearden, Jacob Lawrence, Hale Woodruff, and many others before they had established names within the art canon.
One of the most significant Indian artists of his generation, Harsha draws on a broad spectrum of Indian artistic and figurative painting traditions and popular arts as well as the western art canon.
Despite her prominence within the contemporary art canon, Agnes Martin nonetheless remains something of an «artist's artist,» her work revered more by critics and practitioners than those uninitiated to modern art, to whom her spare abstractions can come off as inscrutable.
Cindy Sherman's explorations of femininity as a social construct are profoundly influential and sit atop the contemporary art canon.
Exploring the aesthetics in politics, and the politics in aesthetics, Glenn Ligon: Encounters and Collisions opens up the Postwar American art canon to the politics and poetics of difference.
«And in this regard, the market nourishes itself from institutions and biennials that of late have also been busy reintegrating overlooked modern artists into the art canon
His puerile and provocative work earned him both accolades and skepticism, but in any event placed him securely in the contemporary art canon.
The western art canon is in no small part a parade of famous female nudes, from Praxiteles's Aphrodite of Knidos from the fourth century B.C. to Manet's 19th - century prostitutes (notably the recumbent, unamused Olympia) to John Currin's Playboy - meets - Fragonard women — and almost all of them have been made by white male artists.
Her work remains as a significant contribution to American art canon.
While making references to canonical figures from the art canon this work also holds a clear allusion to the artist's own oeuvre.
«Unrecorded Truths,» the title of a 1986 group show she organized, exemplifies her lifelong quest to reveal the concealed histories of colonialism and the diaspora, and to assert black artists» place in the Western art canon: «We
If the title of Jayson Musson's second solo exhibition at this gallery, «Exhibit of Abstract Art,» seems oddly generic, it's not through any lack of sophistication on the part of its maker; the consciously bland moniker refers to the work of another artist — albeit not one generally considered part of the fine - art canon.
Art Review expands on this, writing that the works «play dare with the very questions of immediacy and authorship that delayed photography's acceptance into the art canon».
In all likelihood, works by the aforementioned artists, as well as by Kehinde Wiley, Glenn Ligon, Jean - Michel Basquiat, Mickalene Thomas, and Ellen Gallagher, will soon enter the collection, fulfilling a mission described as «raising the profile of American artists of African descent from the periphery of the American art canon to its center and replaces the moniker, «African American art,» with the more appropriate designation of American art.»
Ms. Kass is well known for her loving takes on the modern art canon.
Curated by Konrad Bitterli and Andrea Lutz, the exhibition offers a distinctive counter to these representations by showcasing decisive contributions made by contemporary women artists which present renewed ideas on the image of women and their representation within the art canon.
Its place in the hallowed halls of the art canon?
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