Sentences with phrase «art methods»

The small number of teacher candidates (N = 22) enrolled in the language arts methods class presents a limitation.
I tried various art methods with the kids on this one.
Her work definitely offers an unusual touch, unlike graffiti or other street art methods.
Few art methods have changed as dramatically as photography.
You've spoken out about the male - appropriation of feminist art methods of women artists in the 1970s.
This was an era when appropriation officially became a legit art method and was used in many art pieces and by numerous artists.
(Lois Carey, LCSW, author, Sandplay: Therapy with Children and Families; editor of Expressive and Creative Arts Methods for Tramua Survivors) This book is a gem!
The research demonstrated that NPP is able to significantly outperform the current state - of - the - art methods in predicting node degree centrality.
«The stark contrast between the old and the new brings out the digital qualities of the work even more and offers a very contemporary critical dialog to a crowd in the East end that is more acquainted with traditional art methods so we're trying to bring something new and unknown out there,» Vogt explains.
Analytic chemists define their structure of the active compound with state - of - the - art methods such as nuclear magnetic resonance or x-ray spectroscopy and assign a certain effect in collaboration with toxicologists and pharmacologists.
Using state - of - the - art methods while studying 21 gay and 21 lesbian couples, Dr. John Gottman and Dr. Robert Levenson (University of California at Berkeley) were able to learn what makes same - sex relationships succeed or fail in The 12 Year Study.
Expressive and creative arts methods for trauma survivors, (pp. 165 - 180).
The Moving Stories play therapy method is an intermodal expressive arts method that integrates — story, sandtray and play therapy.
Painting with wine corks is a really fun process art method for kids.
State - of - the - art methods enable ecologists to use such information to obtain a fairly accurate picture of biological diversity and how it is changing.
He is the originator of the Warrior Flow System, and old skool creator of the Yogic Arts method (established in 1990 / California, USA).
For example, Elementary Education Endorsement students enrolled in Language Arts Methods may only be selected for elementary placements during a time the teacher candidate is available and that corresponds with the time when Language Arts will be taught at that partner school.
A Sign Only Has to Serve as a Sign is an exhibition featuring contemporary artists who merge fine and conceptual art methods with sign making, text, advertising, activism and socio - political commentary.
I wish to acquire a job as an arts teacher in a good school where I can make students take an interest in arts by taking them to exhibitions and museums as well as instruct them in the different art methods.
The Danish report showed that LLLT had a pregnancy rate of 66 % success for women after at least 4 years of failure with other ART methods.
Living in, learning from, looking back, breaking through in the English language arts methods course: A case study of two preservice teachers.
In this article the four pedagogical components outlined by the New London Group (1996)-- situated practice, overt instruction, critical framing, and transformed practice — were used to focus attention on the case studies of three beginning teachers and their use of digital media (particularly the creation of a digital literacy autobiography) in an English language arts methods class and their subsequent and transformed use of digital media with their own students in the classroom.
Using figurative representation and playful geometric abstraction, Brooklyn - based artist Ted Lawson is someone who loves to combine digital technology — such as 3D printing — with traditional art methods to create organic fine art as well as large - scale sculptures that explore humanity.
These two state - of - the - art methods for using the Bitcoin blockchain more efficiently will ensure the lowest levels of transaction fees possible for our customers:
This paper highlights the data and the findings from the self - administered questionnaire portion of the study concerned with technology use in the English language arts methods course.
Starting with 2 - D structures formed using state - of - the - art methods in semiconductor manufacturing and carefully placed «Kirigami cuts,» the researchers created more than 50 different mostly closed 3 - D structures that, in theory, could contain cells or support advanced electronic or optoelectronic devices.
In his first New York solo exhibition, Zevs (pronounced «Zeus») interweaves unconventional street art methods with a pointed critique on high finance to create dynamic works on canvas and sculpture.
Using state - of - the - art methods while studying 21 gay and 21 lesbian couples, Dr. John Gottman and Dr. Robert Levenson have learned what makes same - sex relationships succeed or fail.
The Moving Stories Method is an an intermodal expressive arts method that integrates story, sandtray and play therapy.
The state - of - the - art method for accomplishing this is Boeing's Delta IV rocket, which cost the aerospace giant roughly $ 2.5 billion to design and build.
When you buy Logos Bible Software, you are not just buying software... you are buying a whole library of books at a screaming deal, and as icing on the cake, you get a state - of - the - art method of accessing and using those books.
The ART guide will be available on the COLAGE website in electronic format and will include all ART methods that LGBTQ families are using to create families.
Gendered Innovations provides state - of - the - art methods that cover all research stages.
They then used next generation sequencing — a state - of - the - art method to rapidly measure gene expression — to sequence and quantify the thousands of genes that are expressed in hair cells, in comparison with other cells in the ear.
If the viaduct was restored with standard state - of - the - art methods, the expenditure and costs would be enormous and the monument character would be endangered.
The algorithm ranked the correct mutation as the top one out of more than 21,000 possibilities in 69 percent of cases, as opposed to state of the art methods, which only did this in 10 percent of cases.
Artzy, who is currently studying the Phoenician harbor of Athlit, on the present - day Israeli coast, adds that the state of the art methods used in the study represent «extraordinarily impressive work.»
«For all three types of studies, the algorithms showed significantly better performance in tracking the nostril area than other state - of - the - art methods,» said Cho.
Researchers have developed a wearable system to monitor stomach activity that performs as well as current state of the art methods but can be used outside of a clinical setting.
They found that data collected with the wearable system were comparable to data collected in the clinic with state - of - the - art methods, which are invasive — including a catheter inserted through the patient's nose.
This paper illustrates how state - of - the - art methods can be applied to provide clear and useful information of post-release survival and recruitment.»
The study is the first of its kind, bringing together these multiple state - of - the - art methods to study XDR TB transmission in a high - incidence setting.
The dates, based on new excavations and state - of - the - art methods, push back the earliest solid evidence for humans in Australia by 10,000 to 20,000 years and suggest that modern humans left Africa earlier than had been thought.
As a first step, the researchers demonstrated Deep TAMER's success by using it with 15 minutes of human - provided feedback to train an agent to perform better than humans on the Atari game of bowling — a task that has proven difficult for even state - of - the - art methods in artificial intelligence.
The team developed a state - of - the - art method to change the connection in human brain and change cognitive function using a new technique called «Functional connectivity neurofeedback training.»
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