Sentences with phrase «art of filmmaking»

Who Framed Roger Rabbit is silver - screen gold; a timeless reveling in the art of filmmaking and Hollywood allure.
But the art of filmmaking is not so much about what is being said, but how you say it.
Probably because you're not supposed to make old - fashioned movies at all, but rather try to forward the art of filmmaking.
It's not «so bad it's good» or «so bad it's fun» or «so bad you couldn't quite believe anyone who had any interest in the business or art of filmmaking would think it's a good movie.»
The fact that males dominate the business and art of filmmaking is well documented.
Anderson has spent the majority of his career treating the art of filmmaking like the art of making elaborate dioramas, so it only makes sense that he'd fully blossom as a director in the medium of stop - motion animation.
Still, Leigh never looks down on them, but rather, through the attention and the art of his filmmaking, makes us see their work as richer and more complex than it has ever seemed before.
Michael and Brad discussed the art of filmmaking with Canadian director Jeremy Heynen.
Hoffman, who helmed the production, doesn't do much to revolutionise the art of filmmaking, but he undoubtedly succeeds in telling the story in a seamless fashion, allowing the characters and narrative to take precedence over fancy camerawork.
Wong's art of filmmaking is crucial in discussing an innovative and inimitable cinema that is at once collective and exclusive.
You will leave a changed person with a renewed respect for the art of filmmaking.
Like most superhero movies, Thor: Ragnarok also had a lot of use of the green screen and CGI, but thanks once again to Taika Watiti's iron grip on the art of filmmaking and stunning cinematography by Javier Aguirresarobe, none of it seems too much.
The A-list event attracted Hollywood's elite to honor excellence in the art of filmmaking, as well -LSB-...]
No, students of the art of filmmaking.
For those fascinated by the art of filmmaking, there are also two multi-angle scene deconstructions.
SBIFF brings to the forefront the importance and power of the art of filmmaking and continues its commitment to providing free children's education and community outreach programs through its 10-10-10 Student Filmmaking and Screenwriting Competitions, Mike's Field Trip to the Movies, AppleBox Family Films, 3rd Weekend and educational seminars.
This was a true testament to his dedication and craft to the art of filmmaking.
Up until that point, I hadn't really thought about the art of filmmaking.
Between Becca saying cheesy one - liners about the art of filmmaking and her brother trying to do his best at making a mockery out of rap music, I didn't know if I should laugh or cry.
At this point, I feel compelled to point out that, regardless of how you feel about the guy's films, Snyder has a sincere and genuine appreciation for the art of filmmaking that you have to respect.
A statement from the Academy said: «The Academy celebrates achievement in the art of filmmaking, which seeks to transcend borders and speak to audiences around the world, regardless of national, ethnic, or religious differences.
«Lady Bird» shows her to be much more attuned to the art of filmmaking than many first - time directors.
The workaround discovered for that speaks to the mother of necessity as it does to the art of filmmaking.
From cinematographer Hoyte van Hoytema's lush visuals, thanks to 65 mm IMAX film (projected at 70 mm in theaters); the realistic use of practical effects further adding to the mise - en - scène; the visceral sound design transporting the audience alongside the soldiers; Hans Zimmer's heart - wrenching score; the lack of dialogue, gracefully showing and not telling the story, Dunkirk is an exercise in not only perfecting the art of filmmaking but advancing it forward.
His radical, highly visual approach to the art of filmmaking has quickly established him as one of the great talents in world cinema.
While the personal interaction between the cast and crew is familiar territory, a good deal of their discussions revolve around the art of filmmaking, which involves artistic compromises for the greater good of getting a larger audience appeal.
The eminently respected auteur clearly has a firm grip on the art of filmmaking — at his best, he's one of the greats — but with his work becoming increasingly nebulous and less inviting to audiences, it's come to the point where patience for his vagaries grows dangerously thin.
Take, for example, Resident Evil: Retribution, a truly miserable example of the art of filmmaking, but it's a Sony Pictures movie.
«We're thrilled to open a cutting - edge facility where students and faculty can further explore the art of filmmaking and video production,» said Pratt Institute President Thomas F. Schutte.
Is your selection of these shots and the tone of these shots in effect one way that the art of filmmaking becomes activism?
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