Sentences with phrase «art suspension system»

This state - of - the - art suspension system adjusts to a heavier child allowing for more shock absorption.
It is equipped with a state - of - the - art suspension system which absorbs shocks and bumps on the road, for a smoother and enjoyable ride.
The state - of - the - art suspension system means a smoother ride for your child when going over bumpy terrain.
State - of - the - art suspension system provides an exceptionally smooth ride, and the padded seat reclines for comfort.
Our state - of - the - art suspension system adjusts for an ultra-smooth ride for younger as well as older children — including a double - seat version — which means that you can get the most out of your adventure no matter who's riding along.
The state of the art suspension system guarantees a perfectly comfortable ride for your child every time while the adjustable padded handle bars lets every parent, no matter what height, comfortably use the stroller.
The state of the art suspension system provides a smooth ride.
For smoother rides, the state of the art suspension system comes into play.
The state of the art suspension system offers 3 inches of travel and 2 stages of weight support for an ultra-smooth ride.
The state of the art suspension system allows for a freer ride wherein your child will not feel the bumps on the road.
Like in other BOB strollers, Ironman Duallie too has a state of the art suspension system.
To begin with it has a state of the art suspension system that takes into account the weight of the bay and the condition of the roads thus making the ride smooth for your baby.
You will appreciate its state of the art suspension system.
The state of the art suspension system offers a comfortable and smooth ride for your child.
We all know from the jogging strollers that BOB creates state - of - the - art suspension system.
- Handlebar is adjustable and padded, with 9 positions - Excellent downhill control - Simple, 2 - step fold - State - of - the - art suspension system
A few more hours in the machine shop produced the BOB Sport Utility Stroller, complete with state - of - the - art suspension system, tough polymer wheels; folding frame; reclining, padded seat; and several other features no one had ever put on a jogging stroller before.
They were inspired to build the best jogging stroller in existence that was lightweight with a state - of - the - art suspension system and tough polymer tires, not to mention a padded reclining seat for the little passenger.
This model by BOB shares many of the great features of the Sports Utility model: the padded, adjustable handlebar, the handbrake, the state - of - the - art suspension system are all present here as well.
Eight state of the art suspension system provides an exceptional smooth ride on very rough road conditions.
A state of the art suspension system provides an exceptional smooth ride thus providing a comfortable and enjoyable ride for your children.
It has an adjustable state - of - the - art suspension system and rolls on three large air tires that provide the smoothest ride.
In addition, the state of the art suspension system along with ultra padded reclining seat and an adjustable five - point padded harness will provide a smooth ride for your toddler.
But the most important feature of Flex are the large air - filled tires and the state - of - the art suspension system that makes the ride super smooth.
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