Sentences with phrase «article challenges the assumption»

This article challenges the assumption that returning agricultural land to forest is consistently prudent.
The article challenges the assumption that the primary role of the child welfare system is to change families

Not exact matches

We use articles from various major news sources, identify vocabulary words and create discussion questions designed to promote critical thinking, challenge assumptions and stimulate class discussion.
A recent article from the Journal of Financial Planning, entitled «Post-Modern Portfolio Theory,» argues that: «If we periodically scrap our entire world view and play the skeptic, challenging even our most basic assumptions, the result will be progress.»
The most common feedback was on how the article challenged people's existing assumptions on what is considered responsible or valuable to do for pay and with our lives.
His position: • No evidence of increasing lake clarity as a result of secchi measurements since 1946 • The interplay of stratification and plankton productivity are not «straightforward» • Challenges O'Reilly's assumption on the correlation of wind and productivity - the highest production is on the end of the lake with the lowest winds • A strong caution using diatoms as the productivity proxy (it is one of two different lake modes) • No ability to link climate change to productivity changes • More productivity from river than allowed for in Nature Geopscience article • Externally derived nutrients control productivity for a quarter of the year • Strong indications of overfishing • No evidence of a climate and fishery production link • The current productivity of the lake is within the expected range • Doesn't challenge recent temp increase but cites temperature records do not show a temperature rise in the last century • Phytoplankton chlorophylla seems to have not materially changed from the 1970s to 1990s • Disputes O'Reilly's and Verbug's claims of increased warming and decreased productivity • Rejects Verburgs contention that changes in phytoplankton biomass (biovolume), in dissolved silica and in transparency support the idea of declining productivity.
When I remember how challenging it was for women to obtain articles or be kept on as associates with the assumption that women would leave as... [more]
In sum, this Volume provides us with a diverse and engaging range of articles that challenge us to examine our teaching, our theory, and our assumptions about legal writing pedagogy and legal education.
A recent article from the Journal of Personal and Social Relationships challenges that assumption and tests whether watching TV with your partner could actually improve your relationship.
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