Sentences with phrase «article from one's archives»

The phrase "article from one's archives" refers to an old written piece or document that someone has kept and stored for a long time. It could be an article, essay, or any other written material that the person has saved for future reference or nostalgic reasons. Full definition
Published this month, the collection draws articles from the archives of Scientific American.
Published this summer, the collection draws articles from the archives of Scientific American.
We are also in the process of uploading selected articles from archived editions of The Record, so they will be searchable and available there.
Below you'll find some of our popular articles from the archives on gold and offshore gold storage.
Every day we find interesting articles from our archives and share them on social media.
A century later, a selection of articles from our archive reveals how Nature reported and analyzed these developments at the time.
Next up are three articles from the archives by Jeffrey Goldman and John Gallini of Testa, Hurwitz & Thibeault, LLP in Boston, Massachusetts.
While most of the articles on our list were published in 2011, some are oldies that generated new interest this year (including two articles from our archives about teacher pensions and other benefits).
We sometimes update and / or re-publish articles from our archives that are fun, informative, or highly - relevant... like this one.
Published in September 2012, the collection draws articles from the archives of Scientific American.
This collection of articles from the archives of Scientific American reveals the thoughtful, inventive and sometimes unlikely approaches that waste management has inspired across the past century and a half.
Here, an article from our archives.
Let's take a look back at our most - read articles from 2017 — both new articles and articles from our archives.
Every now and then an article from our archive will go viral for no apparent reason.
With the announcement of the 2016 Nobel Prize winners around the corner, we revisit some articles from the archives that offer lessons from laureates
Explore the benefits of building bridges and pick up some tips about how to do it in this collection of articles from our archives
Today we bring you an article from our archives in celebration of The Brooklyn Rail's most recent issue, which includes essays by contemporary craft luminaries Namita Wiggers and Glenn Adamson.
Just as TV series go into re-runs, I am dusting off an old, yet still relevant, article from my archives to demonstrate the irritating timelessness of this issue.
The Mirror and the Daily Record, as I said in my witness statement, they agreed to remove the articles from their archives, but they gave no guarantee that they wouldn't publish the information again at some point.
Another article from our archive: We develop boundaries in our relationships to define and protect us.
Here is an article from our archive: Writing is therapeutic!
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