Sentences with phrase «article someone read»

No matter how many articles I read about someone being bitten by a dog, I take the dog's side... at first, anyway.
I have a question regarding the tag lines on many articles I read on this great site.
The entire article read like a stereotype of the entitled AP.
Every fashion advice article I read says to invest in shoes and bags, if you're going to spend your money anywhere.
I don't think I've ever seen that discussed in the many articles I read about weight control.
The problem with other dating sites, your friends and articles you read online is that the people giving you advice might also be single.
One of the last interesting articles I read spoke about many of the bestselling series of the last decade and how all were turned down repeatedly by publishers before somehow sneaking through the crack.
This is actually a lot more interesting than most articles I read here.
Compare the following passages from two articles I read recently.
One article I read suggested having them close the door behind you.
It's hard to believe that forty years later, depending on which articles you read or what your doctor thinks, you might hear the exact same thing.
Well the first article I read about win 10 said you have to have a genuine copy to get it for free, I don't see the controversy.
And it will have lots more information from your use of its service — everything from the businesses and hobbies you «like» to the types of news articles you read and share.
Blogs: Rather than have students write essays about the novels, stories, and articles they read during the year, have them create and maintain a blog.
I doubt that this article is the definitive last word on the issue, but you should give the entire article a read.
Finally, many articles you read don't reveal the amount of the company the entrepreneur gave away.
This is just a quick post on some interesting articles I read over the weekend as I caught up on some newspaper reading.
Give some dating articles a read, they are full of information about relationships, love, and online dating in general.
Well another week has gone by, and there were many great articles I read out in the blogosphere.
One of the most eye opening articles I read that got me off of processed sugar for good was this article.
Most articles I read came up with «missed period» or «positive pregnancy test» as early pregnancy symptoms and they were always fairly clinical.
When readers who have signed up for the daily newsletter exceed 10 article reads within a month, they will be asked to provide more information about themselves.
For the scholarly articles you read, you can definitely form a good understanding on the rules regarding research paper writing format.
That forced me to closely examine skeptical articles I read, and again, the points made didn't stand examination.
What was the last article you read in a newspaper, magazine or blog?
One article I read said that because everything looks equal on our phones, our brains don't know how to distinguish what's more important.
A recent article I read cited: People who work with an investment professional are nearly twice as likely to those who DIY to feel confident that they will have enough money to retire.
They're rated # 1 and # 2 depending which article you read.
The problem with most articles you read, podcasts you listen to, or videos you watch is that you consume the information but never put it into practice.
No matter how many articles I read and how many tips I follow in real life, I feel like I am failing at decor.
THE 2018 PORTLAND MUSEUM OF ART BIENNIAL Guest curator Nat May tapped 25 artists who have never exhibited at the museum before, and whose works — paintings, textiles, video installations, and more read the article
The ANN article reads more like a press release, what with the quote from the director of the Seventh - Day Adventist Church's public affairs department and all.
Also, you were the first to comment on both of the new articles I read today (here and PaleOMG).
Yes Mr Nail Fuller, this is such inspiring, me too I wan na live my dream as a trader so m still rasing money to start trading, i always read your articles and they inspire me, i hope I can manage because raising money from the ground not having any income it's hard but I want it so badly, thanks for your articles
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I also kept reading that NOT training a child how to soothe themselves to sleep will make them unable to go to sleep properly ever, that sleep rhythms have to be learnt because it is culturally different (one article I read mentioned different ideas of siestas & c. round the world).
The Shroud of Turin or Turin Shroud (Italian: Sindone di Torino, Sacra Sindone [ˈsaːkra ˈsindone] or Santa Sindone) is a length of linen cloth bearing Update: After reading our original article on the Shroud of Turin and its carbon dating, a USA college student writing a thesis on the subject asked us a
Depending upon which research articles you read and what your own instincts tell you, there is almost enough evidence on both sides of the issue to substantiate what you think.
With every new article I read on the first few titles in the franchise, I could easy see the parallels between enthusiasts and the way in which my childhood friends and I lapped up the likes of Silent Hill and Resident Evil.
I can not count how many fashion related articles I read throughout the past year (you know, way back in 2015) that discussed the concept of dismissing the importance placed on and or value of wearing figure flattering clothing.
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