Sentences with phrase «articles on attachment theory»

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In his article, «Bowlby's Attachment Theoryon «SimplyPsychology,» psychology lecturer Saul McLeod discusses Bowlby's belief that the relationship of a child and her mother between birth and 5 years of age is the most crucial to socialization.
Moreoever, the dissing and dismissing here of research on primary caregiver and attachment theory, and the substantial bodies of work on mammalian mother - child relationships, is amazingly specious, given they even are used right above in this article to bolster the attachment arguments where convenient.
His most recent article, co-authored with Diana Fosha, is on working with attachment in AEDP; Attachment as a Transformative Process in AEDP: Operationalizing the Intersection of Attachment Theory and Affective Neuattachment in AEDP; Attachment as a Transformative Process in AEDP: Operationalizing the Intersection of Attachment Theory and Affective NeuAttachment as a Transformative Process in AEDP: Operationalizing the Intersection of Attachment Theory and Affective NeuAttachment Theory and Affective Neuroscience.
However, there will also be more theoretically orientated articles on e.g. attachment theory or positive psychology theory for those of you are interested in parenting backed up by science.
This article discusses the use of the telephone for psychotherapy and applies basic tenets of attachment theory and research on infant development to understand the therapy process.
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