Sentences with phrase «articulation with»

Education exists in an environment too often characterized by adding new programs and initiatives without explicit articulation with what already exists.
This presentation will discuss the dominant role of domestic factors, and their articulation with Russia's foreign policy stances for the Arctic.
How does the relation to the body find an articulation with the modulation of the perception of space born out of virtuality, and what are the social and political implications?
Share your thoughts and ideas on social media to increase articulation with other educational leaders.
Each toy features cate deco, premium articulation with a small collection of weapons and alternative hands and heads included in the packaging.
For the rest, we affirm enthusiastically the judgment which ranks this brief utterance in its sheer power and skill of articulation with the best of the age of classical Hebrew — a piece toward the end of that epoch to be classed with David's Lament (II Sam.
That takes us back to the task of articulation with which Taylor begins the book.

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Thomism's fortunes in the last century were mixed, with the tradition's more settled articulations either abandoned or severely modified.
These words, originally a reference to the universal rule of God, are applied to Jesus but would have had undeniable resonances for anyone familiar with the articulation of imperial ideology (they have, for example, clear parallels to the language of the Res Gestae).
But even the more conservative wings of the Wesleyan tradition (which because of their basically orthodox stance and their commitment to a «supernatural» articulation of Christian faith, have often felt some affinity with the fundamentalist wing of modem Protestantism) have not been able to find a home in the circles of either modem fundamentalism or more recently in neo-evangelicalism.
She is known especially for her articulation of womanist theology, a perspective defined in relationship with but differently from feminist and black theologies.
[His] close friendships with women... lived in an intimacy that was not sexual but was quite real,... helped Karol Wojtyła / JP II give a fresh new articulation to the ethics of love and responsibility (to borrow 1 of his book's titles).
However we may feel about adoration and praise, including it in «vocal» prayer or letting it serve as a kind of borderline approach to «mental» prayer, it is obvious that when we come to meditation we are concerned with a kind of exercise that can quite readily be carried on with no verbal articulation u such.
For example, if one understood by the church simply the historically given communities with their multiplicity of beliefs and practices, the view of theology as the articulation of the church's faith would lead to a plurality of theologies that could hardly escape the recognition of their relativity with respect to historical factors.
In 2012 two faculty members, Cornelis Van der Kooi and Gijsbert Van den Brink, published a 700 - plus page introductory text, Christelijke Dogmatiek: Een Inleiding, a creative articulation of traditional Reformed doctrines that is now in its fifth printing (with an English translation presently being prepared for publication by Eerdmans).
These are privileged articulations, on a general level, of what we may expect to be in touch with concretely when we are in an actual, «live» situation.
The problem may not be with rights per se, whose articulation is invaluable to our conception of modern republicanism (and may even help more fully articulate what is true about Christian morality), but with an interpretation that takes rights as the whole of moral discourse and therefore, understands the abstract Lockean individual to be a comprehensive account of the human person.
Together with my immersion in an interdenominational and interreligious academic dialogue, this ecumenical feminist discourse was extremely significant for the articulation of my own feminist theological perspective.
Here's the pattern at hand: a) discouragement or disgust with radical politics or the undeniable impact of some conservatism - friendly facts, results in a move away from political statements and activism, a retreat, into counter-culturalism, self - discovery, and artistry - for - artistry's sake, b) shifts in the political situation, or disgust at «apathy,» provoke a passionate recommittment to the leftist cause or a new articulation of it, and then, at some point, the rock - bohemian returns back to a).
He maintained, with perfect sincerity and considerable ingenuity, that his philosophy advanced a rational articulation of the teachings of the Bible.
Metaphysics for Bergson strives to minimize the mediation of all symbols (like words and concepts), and although metaphysics «claims to dispense with symbols,» it can not dispense with them entirely.13 Hence, since it requires reflection and articulation (in spite of being based on intuition) metaphysics will always be required to genuflect at the door to the sanctuary of the intellect (even though the immediacy of Being, analogous to the Holy Spirit in a Christian sanctuary is supposed to be present in intuition), and it is in the moment of genuflection that the idea of logical necessity infiltrates metaphysics and becomes an unhappy resident alien.
But Strauss judges it best not to get philosophy mixed up in the articulation of personal love or hopes of universal salvation associated with love; instead he prefers to keep sacred law separate from the nobility of philosophy, Jerusalem (i.e., Judaism) separate from Athens.
Such a theology can dialogue creatively with typical theology in order to formulate a more coherent, adequate articulation of Christian belief.
Exile, confusion and a gradual, painful articulation of their own stories in the face of accepted religious truth were the results of their struggle with fundamentalism.
Ultimately, the Arian / feminist dislocation of meaning from words results in either a remotenessof God which can never be accessed and whose gap no creature (not even the Logos creature of Arianism) can ever hope to bridge (i.e. Arianism); or it means an immanence of God who is one with creation and its articulation in such a way that every articulation of meaning can be surpassed by a further better one, as evolution / God evolves to a higher state of being.
substantial, in part because of the political ties of many of its preachers, beginning with their support of a number of conservative causes and candidates in l980, but also because they galvanized strong support from a relatively small group of people who for the first time found a national public articulation of their views.
Among Catholic politicians, Cuomo is the most prominent proponent of the position described as «Personally opposed, but...» With the help of liberal theologian Richard McBrien of Notre Dame, he attempted a definitive articulation of that argument in 1984.
God, as chief causative principle and as supreme affect, is «in this world or he is nowhere»; biblical material, and in relation to it Christian liturgical and hymnological imagery, with the theological articulation of this, intend to make affirmations which are to be found in the pictures and forms and myths — and these we must seek to make meaningful and valid for ourselves in our present existence; man is an «embodied» and a social occasion or series (or «routing») of occasions, organic to the world of nature, and can only truly live as he lives in due recognition of these facts and sees them as integral to himself.
I was impressed with the young man's articulation of the negative identity young people so often deplore.
Nevertheless, one may find four major areas of debates to which KC has offered new depth of meanings: 1) Re-definition of mission, 2) Theological and ethical articulation of ecological concerns, 3) Faith response to caste and, communalism, and 4) Ethics and economics with special attention to the question of poverty and development.
When people from one congregation drink a cup of tea with people from another, they call it an ecumenical event, The truth that ecumenical conviction has to do with a manifestation, an articulation of the essential unity of the Christian church, is unfortunately far too little anchored in our consciousness.»
Taylor acknowledges, with a rueful nod to his secular critics, that this articulation is a dangerous undertaking.
The word «Trinity» is the «articulation» of the Form of God, just like the word «Rapture» describes the event of the believers being caught up together in the clouds with the Lord Jesus Christ.
As to its general application, that must wait for further tests with other mystical articulations.
But Amos knows Yahweh's love and patience (see 4:6 - 11, with the essentially tender refrain, «Yet you did not return to me»; but especially 7:2,5); and when he speaks the apparently immutable sentence of death upon Israel (4:12; 7:9; 9: l - 8a) it is surely motivated (as the articulation of despair is of necessity always motivated) by hope, indomitable hope, that the pronouncement of judgment will effect decisive change in the conditions which invoked the judgment.
It is hoped that such an approach would lead to an articulation of a normative cosmological principle that is consistent with Alfred North Whitehead's organismic metaphysics and process - based ontology, as extensively developed in Process and Reality.
It is my suggestion that the theoretical work of Karl Deutsch provides us with one of those external stimulants which may spark conversations conducive to the articulation of a Whiteheadian political philosophy.
The expression of this dimension of prayer, that we pray together with the whole people of God, is brought to articulation in the liturgy, in the public prayer of the gathered community.
Just because the articulation of our need is a yearning for God's rule to become concrete, so with the oppressed I protest the structures of oppression.
I also have a much better idea of the path I want to take in my life, but I think I'll leave that for another post in the future, when I have more words and articulation to share with all of you.
Tall, tan, handsome with perfect white teeth, effortless articulation, and gorgeous gesticulation.
In essence with your expression and articulation was very excellent, your article became an also ran because of lack of supporting facts, and an attempt to perpetuate unfounded positions like, how Wenger approach games, how PG approach games, etc..
If articulation problems exist the therapist will play games with the child to strengthen the tongue and lips so the child is able to form them correctly when speaking.
Typical strategies focus on developing sight word vocabulary, work with reading comprehension, speech and language therapy to address articulation, phonemic awareness, receptive language, expressive language, and other speech and language disorder symptoms.
This research investigates their strategic articulation of the discrepant knowledge systems with which they are confronted: their traditional system, the biomedical system, and the new professional midwifery system.
Although children with this disorder generally have normal language skills, there may occasionally be an associated Communication Disorder (e.g., Phonological Disorder, Expressive Language Disorder, or Mixed Receptive - Expressive Language Disorder) or a general medical condition that causes abnormalities of articulation.
Bringing the successful, articulated «urban'together with quests for national articulation and self - determination thus produces powerful allies and agendas.
His previous research has dealt with the the articulation of class in workplace and residential area politics in Karachi (Pakistan), and particularly the imbrications of class with ethnicity, informality and the politics of clientelism.
The rapidity of technological change has vastly outpaced the development of our laws, institutions and regulatory systems, along with the articulation of the ethical categories and principles with which to understand and evaluate them.
His emotions, gestures, confident - looking postures, demeanour, articulation reminded the Daily Graphic Team of his heydey at the helm of the affairs of state engaging with Ghanaians on how to build a country of promise.
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