Sentences with phrase «artificial birth control»

However, many couples wish to minimize the use of artificial birth control for a variety of reasons, and it can be difficult to find information about the relationship between breastfeeding and fertility.
The biggest one being that one can not use artificial birth control.
Catholic leaders do not believe in artificial birth control so why do they employ those who do?
Reducing births requires access too artificial birth control along with education on how to use it effectively.
Is one a sour stone thrower for wishing the RCC would change it stance on artificial birth control as a way to reduce the hardship on the poor?
As artificial birth control and abortion define the other as something to be destroyed or defended against, or as in - vitro fertilization and cloning treat the person as a commodity which can be manufactured and marketed, the body ofwoman reminds man that our eternal dignity is realized precisely in our embodiment and not despite it.
Catholics do not believe in artificial birth control so why do they employ those who do?
«It is only appropriate that the rest of us take the occasion of [the Pope's] visit to reflect on the disastrous consequences of the Church's stand against artificial birth control methods and abortion.
[13] «Responsible men can become more deeply convinced of the truth of the doctrine laid down by the Church on this issue if they reflect on the consequences of methods and plans for artificial birth control.
We do not use artificial birth control like the Pill, the Patch and IUDs.
In view of the stronger logic behind the Catholic perspective, it is hardly surprising that feminist critics of the American pro-life movement see in it the Catholic agenda of restricting artificial birth control and genetic engineering.
But when we enter teh realm of abortion on demand, free artificial birth control, seex outside of marriage and gaay marriage, we've left the realm of faithful married couples in chaste relationships behind.
This general attitude has been documented in many polls, such as the recent survey conducted for Time magazine which found that only 24 per cent of Catholics consider artificial birth control wrong, despite the church's condemnation.
The reason that legitimising artificial birth control led to a «general lowering of morality» is that a fundamental principle was overturned, the principle that sex is for the procreation of children within the stable state of loving which is marriage.
So, while I can and will make arguments against abortion and artificial birth control from a moral perspective, I do not use those to support the case against the ACA
Ever since the quarrel over artificial birth control in the 1960s, wayward Catholic theologians have led the way in dismissing Catholic sexual morality as mere «physicalism», this [dismissal] being an attitude which ignores the dual character of human nature as a union of body and soul.
The decisions and direction the party has taken in the past few months — from the HHS stalemate on artificial birth control mandates to the announcement ofa potential party plank for redefining the sacrament of holy matrimony — are causing consternation as we reevalute our choices this election season.
Those of us who hold that the Roman Church's position on artificial birth control lacks scriptural or historical warrant as Christian doctrine have no need or desire to deny the correlation between birthrate and poverty.
A mother who wants to avoid artificial birth control while she is experiencing breastfeeding infertility can learn to identify sign of impending fertility.
Employers have sought exemptions for many reasons, including religious objections to any form of artificial birth control and objections to emergency contraception due to the belief that these methods abort a human embryo before implantation.
Indeed, studies have shown that the vast majority of Catholic women in the U.S. use artificial birth control.
The Catholic hierachy do not believe in artificial birth control so why do they employ those who do?
This recent regulation requiring the Catholic Church, as an employer, to pay for artificial birth control and abortions is saying that the Church should finance and support, what the church believes, is sinful activity.
The Catholic Church's position on artificial birth control has NO basis in the teachings of Christ... it was not an issue then... the teaching is solely based on the opinion of the men running the church who claim «divine inspiration»... BULL... they wanted people to have more kids so they could contribute more money to the church so that the so - called «princes of the church» could maintain their princely life - style.
So if the RCC and this pope really care about the poor they should be promoting the use of artificial birth control.
You and your artificial birth control are simply enablers.
Unless the RCC is willing to educate the poor in how to plan for parenthood and promote the use of artificial birth control, they are not going to help the poor.
So while it is nice that the RCC assist the poor unless they also promote the use of artificial birth control, the assistance (i.e. the level of aid) will not be able to keep up with the population increase.
But religious organizations, such as Christian colleges and universities, are still in court over coverage of emergency contraception and artificial birth control.
Of those 20 % that oppose «artificial birth control» I bet 99 % are men.
Kenneth Woodward offers a more sympathetic account, arguing that much of what looks like dissent and disarray in the American Church can be traced to a single issue, artificial birth control, and the shock of sudden liturgical change intersecting with the post-1960s breakdown of ethnic Catholic subcultures.
If either of us wants ham sandwiches and artificial birth control, we are free to provide same for ourselves.
The co «mmission produced a report in 1966, proposing that artificial birth control was not intrinsically evil and that Catholic couples should be allowed to decide for themselves about the methods to be employed.
The teachings of the Catholic Church say that the use of artificial birth control and the performance of an abortions are sins.
She said she is heartbroken and angry about the Vatican's doctrinal assessment that the leadership group representing most American nuns has been challenging the church's doctrine on homosexuality, the male - only priesthood, artificial birth control, celibacy and abortion.
Some believe that certain methods prevent implantation of an embryo, and others object to all artificial birth control.
Parents of four, we really wanted to remain faithful to Church teaching by refusing to use artificial birth control, but we already felt stretched to our limits financially, emotionally and physically.
Dolan and the Pope believe that women should NOT use any form of artificial birth control.
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