Sentences with phrase «artificial form»

When artificial forms of contraception were coming into common use in the first half of the twentieth century, they were vigorously opposed by some on religious grounds.
These artists seem to be stretching the limits of time and place, while collecting and assembling imagery from different sources to create a new, artificial form of nature.
Office Plants illustrates the irony of the human tendency to replicate nature in artificial forms in order to maintain a connection to the environment.
From buckyballs to nanotubes, new artificial forms of carbon can be exploited in exciting ways.
The Church's teaching on artificial forms of contraception is presented, and students are made aware of natural family planning not only as a morally acceptable means of family planning but also as an important means developing sensitivity between a married couple thereby helping build the exclusive relationship we know as marital friendship.
If a teacher is using artificial forms of contraception, how is that going to affect his or her capacity to teach the Church's teaching on contraception?
When it comes to Vitamin D, you need to be careful about artificial forms of vitamin D in many vitamin pills, as artificial vitamin forms are almost always either ineffective or possibly even detrimental compared to natural forms.
Manufacturers try to replace some of these vitamins and minerals with artificial additives but they are typically artificial forms of these nutrients which can be harder to absorb.
What is revealed is a mix of natural and artificial forms normally hidden at night; broken flowers streaked on the sidewalk, a concrete sleeve holding up a tree, the synthetic yellow of plastic flowers, and a blossoming tree bound by tape.
Rather, the text was written as an aide memoirefor teachers to remind them that any study of artificial forms of contraception with students (which they are required to do in the science curriculum) should also include a treatment of the Church's commitment to natural family planning.
Second Sight Medical Products, Inc., a developer, manufacturer and marketer of implantable visual prosthetics that are intended to create an artificial form of useful vision to blind patients, today announced that Dr. Robert Greenberg, MD, PhD has resigned from the Company» s Board of Directors and the Company, effective April 3, 2018.
The traditional morality surrounding procreation and sexual relationships in the so - called free world is sadly out of touch with present reality: witness the Roman Catholic rejection of all artificial forms of contraception and the still widespread moral condemnation of clinical abortion.
Pitocin is an artificial form of the natural hormone oxytocin.
So that you can use it to make composite and it can serve as fertilizer, instead of the artificial forms of fertilizer.
Neufeld's group recently found that the enzyme nitric oxide synthase 2 (NOS - 2), which produces toxic levels of the gas nitric oxide, is active in the eyes of rats that have their eyes» drainage channels blocked, causing an artificial form of glaucoma.
Meanwhile, he is trying to develop an artificial form of life into which he can insert new genes to see what they do.
«Tanning is an artificial form of light that leads to carcinogenesis.
To get around these limitations, scientists have worked for years on new ways of converting sunlight into chemical energy, artificial forms of photosynthesis that would store solar energy in liquid or gaseous form — a «solar fuel.»
Some studies suggest that these artificial forms of white noise can create a cortisol response in the body and reduce focus and that long term, they may even impair brain function and development in children.
We never recommend adding vitamins in an artificial form to the Kombucha as it is a living beverage.
There are no artificial forms of vitamins and minerals added.
Based between London and Frankfurt, Eloise Hawser (b. 1985), London / Frankfurt, investigates disused, forgotten or hidden environments, representing architectural landscapes and presenting sites in constructed, artificial forms.
Working with drawing, video, sculpture, and installations, Hüner's practice focuses on constructed narratives and eclectic assemblages which explore the subjects of utopia, archaeology, ideas of progress, and the future through reimagining spatial and architectural entities and organic and artificial forms.
The concept of intelligence existing in an artificial form into a body that's certainly not a human's carries a deep hold on our psyche.
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