Sentences with phrase «artificial infant food»

Manufacturers of artificial infant food were spreading all throughout the world wreaking havoc on societies.
There is also evidence that premature babies are at higher risk when given artificial infant food.

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The nutritional, immunological, psychological, and general health advantages conveyed to infants have been documented for years.1 -9 Legovic, 10 listed the merits of human breast milk as compared to artificial feeds to include ideal nutritional content, better absorption, fewer food - related allergies, more favorable psychological development, better immunologic defenses, and a substantial economic advantage.
In 1981 the WHO, UNICEF, scientific bodies, and formula companies themselves developed a code of ethical marketing of infant formula, bottles, and artificial nipples and any food or drink that could replace breastmilk in the diet.
Training in breastfeeding medicine for health care workers must be paid for by hospitals or by the health care workers themselves, again at considerable cost, by contrast with education on artificial baby food, which is offered at no charge by the infant food industry.
Soy; infant; formula; milk; cow; food; protein; lactose; digest; allergic; aluminium; kidney; failure; choice; intolerance; artificial; feed; nutrition; diet; allergy.
Cow's milk is a foreign substance that has pervaded every corner of our diets — starting with artificial infant feeds, but finding its way into mother's breastmilk through the foods she eats as well.
To provide a backdrop for the industrialization of infant food, this chapter explores the precursors to as well as the beginnings of mass - marketed baby food, specifically the development of its forerunner, artificial infant formula.
Further, although there is not necessarily a causal connection between the decline of breastfeeding and the earlier introduction of solid baby food, it is highly plausible that the widespread acceptance of artificial formulas acclimated mothers and doctors alike to infants» ingestion of non-breast milk substances.
The elimination of commercial influence and inducements to artificial feeding by the infant foods industry remains a key struggle in IBFAN's efforts to restore breastfeeding to its rightful place as the foundation for a child's healthy growth and development.
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