Sentences with phrase «artificial intelligence techniques»

He wants to apply artificial intelligence techniques to the challenge of dealing with the huge data sets emerging from life science studies.
One particular area of interest for research is applying artificial intelligence techniques to case law for various applications, especially predictive analytics.
For about the last ten years, researchers have been using artificial intelligence techniques called machine learning to decode human brain activity.
In the study, Seymour and his colleagues, led by Takufumi Yanagisawa from Osaka University, used a brain - machine interface to decode the neural activity of the mental action needed for a patient to move their «phantom» hand, and then converted the decoded phantom hand movement into that of a robotic neuroprosthetic using artificial intelligence techniques.
The greatest impacts of deep learning may well be felt when it is integrated into the whole toolbox of other artificial intelligence techniques in ways that haven't been thought of yet.
Second, instead of relying on investigator opinion for periodic updates to the model, the team built in automatic updating that adjusts the weight given to any single query in the model each and every week based on artificial intelligence techniques to maximize predictive accuracy.
Working with Dan and Mike, two of the leading figures in the application of complexity science and artificial intelligence techniques in law (see their Computational Legal Studies site), was an immense pleasure.
«The concept is to apply modern artificial intelligence techniques to problems in epidemiology,» he says.
Although artificial intelligence techniques like machine learning can crunch vast quantities of data and can help determine if someone is behaving oddly in an organization's computer networks, people shouldn't put all their trust in the technology, Hart said.
Since 1989, almost continuously, dozens of computers have been working on solving checkers, applying state - of - the - art artificial intelligence techniques to the proving process.
Founded by a group of industry veterans, the team have years of experience in both detecting scammers, and in applying the latest artificial intelligence techniques to make sense of user behaviour on dating sites.
Neota Logic offers a hybrid reasoning platform, which combines expert systems and other artificial intelligence techniques, including on - demand machine learning, to deliver answers to legal, compliance, and policy questions.
Researchers have discovered that a «reorganisation» of the wiring of the brain is the underlying cause of phantom limb pain, which occurs in the vast majority of individuals who have had limbs amputated, and a potential method of treating it which uses artificial intelligence techniques.
We've been fortunate to partner with fabulous law firms of all shapes and sizes and continue to release great case studies describing the benefits that modern artificial intelligence techniques are bringing to the legal industry.
Tech's biggest players, from Intel to Amazon, are betting big on the artificial intelligence technique modelled after the instincts of the human brain, with its ability to read patterns, sense rules, and make the best decision accordingly.
XiaoIce, which was created from an artificial intelligence technique called deep learning, absorbed linguistic data from Internet users in a heavily censored and regulated web.
What's different now is that organizations can now use an artificial intelligence technique called machine learning to better defend themselves against these attacks, McClure said.
Karri's view is «Applying latest machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques to customer data (external & internal) will help extract the necessary insights to facilitate highly personalized, relevant & timely engagement.»
His theme is the range, spread and influence on our society of evolving worldwide information networks, and the artificial intelligence techniques that are being developed to manage and produce such systems.
An artificial intelligence technique called natural language processing has proved useful in scanning and predicting what documents will be relevant to a case, for example.
Neota Logic applies a hybrid reasoning platform, which combines expert systems and other artificial intelligence techniques, including on - demand natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning, to provide fact - and context - specific answers to legal, compliance, and policy questions.
XiaoIce was programmed by deep learning, which is an artificial intelligence technique.
Zenbot is developed using artificial intelligence technique.
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