Sentences with phrase «artificially breaking the waters»

Not exact matches

When an intervention is offered by your care provider, such as artificially breaking your bag of waters, would you like to discuss it with your partner first?
This position can also be more likely during labors which have been induced or where a woman's waters have been broken artificially.
Breaking your water artificially can also make contraction pain more intense, which results in more moms asking for epidurals.
And thus my daughter was born at 7:52 pm in caul, which is rather rare (although I wonder if it wouldn't be if people didn't tend to have their water artificially broken)
If your water had broken in a different spot — or if someone had tried to break the membranes artificially (something they do in the hospital all the time)-- a major blood vessel that brought blood to you might have broken, which would have been an emergency.
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